Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification
taf_appMgmt_client.c File Reference

Data Structures

struct  _ClientThreadData_t


#define LOCK_INIT   le_mutex_Lock(le_ifgen_InitMutexRef);
 Locks the mutex. More...
#define UNLOCK_INIT   le_mutex_Unlock(le_ifgen_InitMutexRef);
 Unlocks the mutex. More...


 LE_MEM_DEFINE_STATIC_POOL (taf_appMgmt_ClientThreadData, LE_CDATA_COMPONENT_COUNT, sizeof(_ClientThreadData_t))
static le_result_t InitClientForThread (bool isBlocking)
static _ClientThreadData_tGetClientThreadDataPtr (void)
 __attribute__ ((unused))
static void ClientThreadDestructor (void *objPtr)
static void InitCommonData (void)
static le_result_t DoConnectService (bool isBlocking)
void taf_appMgmt_ConnectService (void)
le_result_t taf_appMgmt_TryConnectService (void)
static void SessionCloseHandler (le_msg_SessionRef_t sessionRef, void *contextPtr)
void taf_appMgmt_SetServerDisconnectHandler (taf_appMgmt_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler, void *contextPtr)
static void NonExitSessionCloseHandler (le_msg_SessionRef_t sessionRef, void *contextPtr)
void taf_appMgmt_SetNonExitServerDisconnectHandler (taf_appMgmt_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler, void *contextPtr)
void taf_appMgmt_DisconnectService (void)
taf_appMgmt_AppState_t taf_appMgmt_GetState (const char *LE_NONNULL appName)
le_result_t taf_appMgmt_GetVersion (const char *LE_NONNULL appName, char *version, size_t versionSize)
le_result_t taf_appMgmt_Start (const char *LE_NONNULL appName)
le_result_t taf_appMgmt_Stop (const char *LE_NONNULL appName)
le_result_t taf_appMgmt_Uninstall (const char *LE_NONNULL appName)
taf_appMgmt_AppListRef_t taf_appMgmt_CreateAppList (void)
le_result_t taf_appMgmt_DeleteAppList (taf_appMgmt_AppListRef_t appListRef)
taf_appMgmt_AppRef_t taf_appMgmt_GetFirstApp (taf_appMgmt_AppListRef_t appListRef)
taf_appMgmt_AppRef_t taf_appMgmt_GetNextApp (taf_appMgmt_AppListRef_t appListRef)
le_result_t taf_appMgmt_GetAppDetails (taf_appMgmt_AppRef_t appRef, taf_appMgmt_AppInfo_t *appInfoPtr)


static le_mem_PoolRef_t _ClientThreadDataPool
static pthread_key_t _ThreadDataKey
static bool CommonDataInitialized = false
le_mutex_Ref_t le_ifgen_InitMutexRef

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LOCK_INIT   le_mutex_Lock(le_ifgen_InitMutexRef);

Locks the mutex.


#define UNLOCK_INIT   le_mutex_Unlock(le_ifgen_InitMutexRef);

Unlocks the mutex.

Function Documentation


LE_MEM_DEFINE_STATIC_POOL ( taf_appMgmt_ClientThreadData  ,

Static pool for client threads.

◆ InitClientForThread()

static le_result_t InitClientForThread ( bool  isBlocking)

Initialize thread specific data, and connect to the service for the current thread.

  • LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
  • LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is bound.
  • LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
  • LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.

◆ GetClientThreadDataPtr()

static _ClientThreadData_t* GetClientThreadDataPtr ( void  )

Get a pointer to the client thread data for the current thread.

If the current thread does not have client data, then NULL is returned

◆ __attribute__()

__attribute__ ( (unused)  )

Return the sessionRef for the current thread.

If the current thread does not have a session ref, then this is a fatal error.

◆ ClientThreadDestructor()

static void ClientThreadDestructor ( void *  objPtr)

Destructor function for client thread objects.

◆ InitCommonData()

static void InitCommonData ( void  )

Init data that is common across all threads.

◆ DoConnectService()

static le_result_t DoConnectService ( bool  isBlocking)

Connect to the service, using either blocking or non-blocking calls.

This function implements the details of the public ConnectService functions.

  • LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
  • LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is bound.
  • LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
  • LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.

◆ taf_appMgmt_ConnectService()

void taf_appMgmt_ConnectService ( void  )

Connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Block until the service is available.

For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see apiFilesC_client.

This function is created automatically.

◆ taf_appMgmt_TryConnectService()

le_result_t taf_appMgmt_TryConnectService ( void  )

Try to connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Return with an error if the service is not available.

For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see apiFilesC_client.

This function is created automatically.

  • LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
  • LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is bound.
  • LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
  • LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.

◆ SessionCloseHandler()

static void SessionCloseHandler ( le_msg_SessionRef_t  sessionRef,
void *  contextPtr 

◆ taf_appMgmt_SetServerDisconnectHandler()

void taf_appMgmt_SetServerDisconnectHandler ( taf_appMgmt_DisconnectHandler_t  disconnectHandler,
void *  contextPtr 

Set handler called when server disconnection is detected.

When a server connection is lost, call this handler then exit with LE_FATAL. If a program wants to continue without exiting, it should call longjmp() from inside the handler.

◆ NonExitSessionCloseHandler()

static void NonExitSessionCloseHandler ( le_msg_SessionRef_t  sessionRef,
void *  contextPtr 

◆ taf_appMgmt_SetNonExitServerDisconnectHandler()

void taf_appMgmt_SetNonExitServerDisconnectHandler ( taf_appMgmt_DisconnectHandler_t  disconnectHandler,
void *  contextPtr 

Set handler called when server disconnection is detected without exiting.

When a server connection is lost, call this handler without exit.

When using the API, it needs the application developer to handle some cases like re-connecting and recycling the resources. For most of cases, it is safe to use SetServerDisconnectHandler.

◆ taf_appMgmt_DisconnectService()

void taf_appMgmt_DisconnectService ( void  )

Disconnect the current client thread from the service providing this API.

Normally, this function doesn't need to be called. After this function is called, there's no longer a connection to the service, and the functions in this API can't be used. For details, see apiFilesC_client.

This function is created automatically.

◆ taf_appMgmt_GetState()

taf_appMgmt_AppState_t taf_appMgmt_GetState ( const char *LE_NONNULL  appName)

Gets the application's current state.

  • TAF_APPMGMT_STATE_STOPPED – App is not running.
  • TAF_APPMGMT_STATE_STARTED – App is running.
[in]appNameApp name.

◆ taf_appMgmt_GetVersion()

le_result_t taf_appMgmt_GetVersion ( const char *LE_NONNULL  appName,
char *  version,
size_t  versionSize 

Gets the application's version.

  • LE_BAD_PARAMETER – Bad parameter(s).
  • LE_NOT_FOUND – App not found.
  • LE_OK – Success.
[in]appNameApp name.
[out]versionApp version.

◆ taf_appMgmt_Start()

le_result_t taf_appMgmt_Start ( const char *LE_NONNULL  appName)

Starts an app.

  • LE_DUPLICATE – App is already running.
  • LE_BUSY – System is busy.
  • LE_FAULT – Failure.
  • LE_OK – Success.
Installed apps are activated in a probation state when started for the first time.
[in]appNameApp name.

◆ taf_appMgmt_Stop()

le_result_t taf_appMgmt_Stop ( const char *LE_NONNULL  appName)

Stops an app.

  • LE_NOT_FOUND – App not found or not currently running; see note.
  • LE_OK – Success.
Installed apps are not stopped if they are running in a Probation state.
[in]appNameApp name.

◆ taf_appMgmt_Uninstall()

le_result_t taf_appMgmt_Uninstall ( const char *LE_NONNULL  appName)

Uninstalls an app.

  • LE_NOT_FOUND – App not found.
  • LE_BUSY – System is busy.
  • LE_FAULT – Failure.
  • LE_OK – Success.
Installed app is not allow to uninstall if in probation state.
[in]appNameApp name.

◆ taf_appMgmt_CreateAppList()

taf_appMgmt_AppListRef_t taf_appMgmt_CreateAppList ( void  )

Creates an app list.

  • Non-null pointer – The reference to the app list.
  • Null pointer – Internal error.

◆ taf_appMgmt_DeleteAppList()

le_result_t taf_appMgmt_DeleteAppList ( taf_appMgmt_AppListRef_t  appListRef)

Deletes app list.

  • LE_BAD_PARAMETER – Bad parameters.
  • LE_NOT_FOUND – Reference not found.
  • LE_OK – Success.
[in]appListRefThe reference to the app list.

◆ taf_appMgmt_GetFirstApp()

taf_appMgmt_AppRef_t taf_appMgmt_GetFirstApp ( taf_appMgmt_AppListRef_t  appListRef)

Gets the first app.

  • Non-null pointer – The reference to the first app.
  • Null pointer – Internal error or empty list.
[in]appListRefThe reference to the app list.

◆ taf_appMgmt_GetNextApp()

taf_appMgmt_AppRef_t taf_appMgmt_GetNextApp ( taf_appMgmt_AppListRef_t  appListRef)

Gets the next app based on the current position in the list.

  • Non-null pointer – The reference to the next app.
  • Null pointer – Internal error or empty list.
[in]appListRefThe reference to the app list.

◆ taf_appMgmt_GetAppDetails()

le_result_t taf_appMgmt_GetAppDetails ( taf_appMgmt_AppRef_t  appRef,
taf_appMgmt_AppInfo_t appInfoPtr 

Gets app information.

  • LE_BAD_PARAMETER – Bad parameters.
  • LE_NOT_FOUND – Reference not found.
  • LE_OK – Success.
Get static information when creating app list.
[in]appRefThe reference to the app.
[out]appInfoPtrApp information.

Variable Documentation

◆ _ClientThreadDataPool

le_mem_PoolRef_t _ClientThreadDataPool

The memory pool for client thread objects

◆ _ThreadDataKey

pthread_key_t _ThreadDataKey

Key under which the pointer to the Thread Object (_ClientThreadData_t) will be kept in thread-local storage. This allows a thread to quickly get a pointer to its own Thread Object.

◆ CommonDataInitialized

bool CommonDataInitialized = false

This global flag is shared by all client threads, and is used to indicate whether the common data has been initialized.

Use InitMutex, defined below, to protect accesses to this data.

◆ le_ifgen_InitMutexRef

le_mutex_Ref_t le_ifgen_InitMutexRef

Mutex and associated macros for use with the above CommonDataInitialized.