Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification
le_appCtrl_server.h File Reference
#include "legato.h"
#include "le_limit_server.h"
#include "le_appCtrl_common.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


le_msg_ServiceRef_t le_appCtrl_GetServiceRef (void)
le_msg_SessionRef_t le_appCtrl_GetClientSessionRef (void)
void le_appCtrl_AdvertiseService (void)
le_appCtrl_AppRef_t le_appCtrl_GetRef (const char *LE_NONNULL appName)
void le_appCtrl_ReleaseRef (le_appCtrl_AppRef_t appRef)
void le_appCtrl_SetRun (le_appCtrl_AppRef_t appRef, const char *LE_NONNULL procName, bool run)
void le_appCtrl_SetDebug (le_appCtrl_AppRef_t appRef, const char *LE_NONNULL procName, bool debug)
le_result_t le_appCtrl_Import (le_appCtrl_AppRef_t appRef, const char *LE_NONNULL path)
le_result_t le_appCtrl_SetDevicePerm (le_appCtrl_AppRef_t appRef, const char *LE_NONNULL path, const char *LE_NONNULL permissions)
le_appCtrl_TraceAttachHandlerRef_t le_appCtrl_AddTraceAttachHandler (le_appCtrl_AppRef_t appRef, le_appCtrl_TraceAttachHandlerFunc_t attachToPidPtr, void *contextPtr)
void le_appCtrl_RemoveTraceAttachHandler (le_appCtrl_TraceAttachHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
void le_appCtrl_TraceUnblock (le_appCtrl_AppRef_t appRef, int32_t pid)
le_result_t le_appCtrl_Start (const char *LE_NONNULL appName)
le_result_t le_appCtrl_Stop (const char *LE_NONNULL appName)

Function Documentation

◆ le_appCtrl_GetServiceRef()

le_msg_ServiceRef_t le_appCtrl_GetServiceRef ( void  )

Get the server service reference

◆ le_appCtrl_GetClientSessionRef()

le_msg_SessionRef_t le_appCtrl_GetClientSessionRef ( void  )

Get the client session reference for the current message

◆ le_appCtrl_AdvertiseService()

void le_appCtrl_AdvertiseService ( void  )

Initialize the server and advertise the service.

◆ le_appCtrl_GetRef()

le_appCtrl_AppRef_t le_appCtrl_GetRef ( const char *LE_NONNULL  appName)

Handler for attaching to a process that is to be traced. The process is blocked allowing the tracer to attach to it. The tracer must call TraceUnblock() to unblock the traced process. Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_appCtrl_TraceAttach' Gets a reference to an app.

Reference to the named app. NULL on error (check logs for errors).

Gets a reference to an app.

Reference to the named app. NULL on error (check logs for errors).
[in]appNameName of the app to get the ref for.

◆ le_appCtrl_ReleaseRef()

void le_appCtrl_ReleaseRef ( le_appCtrl_AppRef_t  appRef)

Release the reference to an app, resetting all overrides set for this app using other functions, like SetRun(), SetDevicePerm(), etc.

[in]appRefRef to the app.

◆ le_appCtrl_SetRun()

void le_appCtrl_SetRun ( le_appCtrl_AppRef_t  appRef,
const char *LE_NONNULL  procName,
bool  run 

Sets the run flag for a process in an app.

If there is an error this function will kill the calling client.

[in]appRefRef to the app.
[in]procNameProcess name to set the run flag for.
[in]runFlag to run the process or not.

◆ le_appCtrl_SetDebug()

void le_appCtrl_SetDebug ( le_appCtrl_AppRef_t  appRef,
const char *LE_NONNULL  procName,
bool  debug 

Sets the debug flag for a process in an app.

If there is an error this function will kill the calling client.

[in]appRefRef to the app.
[in]procNameProcess name to set the run flag for.
[in]debugFlag to debug the process or not.

◆ le_appCtrl_Import()

le_result_t le_appCtrl_Import ( le_appCtrl_AppRef_t  appRef,
const char *LE_NONNULL  path 

Imports a file into the app's working directory.

LE_OK if successfully imported the file. LE_DUPLICATE if the path conflicts with items already in the app's working directory. LE_NOT_FOUND if the path does not point to a valid file. LE_BAD_PARAMETER if the path is formatted incorrectly. LE_FAULT if there was some other error.
If the caller is passing an invalid reference to the app, it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
[in]appRefRef to the app.
[in]pathAbsolute path to the file to import.

◆ le_appCtrl_SetDevicePerm()

le_result_t le_appCtrl_SetDevicePerm ( le_appCtrl_AppRef_t  appRef,
const char *LE_NONNULL  path,
const char *LE_NONNULL  permissions 

Sets a device file's permissions.

LE_OK if successfully set the device's permissions. LE_NOT_FOUND if the path does not point to a valid device. LE_BAD_PARAMETER if the path is formatted incorrectly. LE_FAULT if there was some other error.
If the caller is passing an invalid reference to the app, it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
[in]appRefRef to the app.
[in]pathAbsolute path to the device.
[in]permissionsPermission string, "r", "w", "rw".

◆ le_appCtrl_AddTraceAttachHandler()

le_appCtrl_TraceAttachHandlerRef_t le_appCtrl_AddTraceAttachHandler ( le_appCtrl_AppRef_t  appRef,
le_appCtrl_TraceAttachHandlerFunc_t  attachToPidPtr,
void *  contextPtr 

Add handler function for EVENT 'le_appCtrl_TraceAttach'

Event that indicates the process is blocked and can be attached to.

[in]appRefRef to the app.
[in]attachToPidPtrAttach handler to register.

◆ le_appCtrl_RemoveTraceAttachHandler()

void le_appCtrl_RemoveTraceAttachHandler ( le_appCtrl_TraceAttachHandlerRef_t  handlerRef)

Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_appCtrl_TraceAttach'


◆ le_appCtrl_TraceUnblock()

void le_appCtrl_TraceUnblock ( le_appCtrl_AppRef_t  appRef,
int32_t  pid 

Unblocks the traced process. This should normally be done once the tracer has successfully attached to the process.

If the caller is passing an invalid reference to the app, it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
[in]appRefRef to the app.
[in]pidPID of the process to unblock.

◆ le_appCtrl_Start()

le_result_t le_appCtrl_Start ( const char *LE_NONNULL  appName)

Starts an app.

LE_OK if the app is successfully started. LE_DUPLICATE if the app is already running. LE_NOT_FOUND if the app isn't installed. LE_FAULT if there was an error and the app could not be launched.
[in]appNameName of the app to start.

◆ le_appCtrl_Stop()

le_result_t le_appCtrl_Stop ( const char *LE_NONNULL  appName)

Stops an app.

LE_OK if successful. LE_NOT_FOUND if the app could not be found.
[in]appNameName of the app to stop.