Forums - Convert and Run for Faster RCNN and YOLOv3 model

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Convert and Run for Faster RCNN and YOLOv3 model
Join Date: 17 Aug 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-08-03 23:22

Hi guys,

I need help on how to convert and run the Faster RCNN and YOLO model on the SD chipset.

For FRCNN. Inside the documentation, it states that these type of model has been supported starting from v1.4.0 but there is no tutorial on how convert and run the model.

These are the links that I have been using for Faster RCNN setup

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For YOLOv3 to DLC, what is the step to convert from YOLOv3 ONNX model to DLC model.



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Join Date: 23 May 18
Posts: 37
Posted: Wed, 2021-08-11 09:16

Hello aizat172,

You might have issues with respect to YoloV3 ONNX Models for some operations or unsupported type, below is the approach which we tried to make it work out.

  1. Download the Original Model of YoloV3 from Darknet's Official Website. (
  2. Define the architecture of YoloV3 Model in Keras.
  3. Make sure that You are using Tensorflow 1.13 as Backend. There are some API level changes in latest Tensorflow which are not yet supported by SNPE.
  4. Reassign all weights of YoloV3.weights file to the YoloV3's defined architecture.
  5. Save the model back in Frozen Graph file format. (.pb file)
  6. Now use snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc tool for converting the model.


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