Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.63.7
How to configure and enable WLAN

The following steps illustrate how to configure WLAN.

1. Create the IWlanListener class.

class NotificationListener: public telux::wlan::IWlanListener {
void onEnableChanged(bool enable) {
bool getEnableStatus() {
return promise_.get_future().get();
void resetPromise() {
promise_ = std::promise<bool>();
std::promise<bool> promise_;

2. Create the initialization callback object to be notified when initialization is complete and the object is ready to be used.

auto initCb = [&](telux::common::ServiceStatus status) {

3. Get the WlanFactory and WlanDeviceManager instances.

auto &wlanFactory = telux::wlan::WlanFactory::getInstance();
wlanDevMgr = wlanFactory.getWlanDeviceManager(initCb);

4. Wait for the object to complete initialization.

telux::common::ServiceStatus = subSystemStatus = initPromise.get_future().get();
if (subSystemStatus == telux::common::ServiceStatus::SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << " *** Wlan SubSystem is Ready *** " << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << " *** Unable to initialize Wlan subsystem *** " << std::endl;

5. If WLAN is enabled, disable it.

bool enableStat = false;
std::vector<telux::wlan::InterfaceStatus> ifStatus;
if(telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS != wlanDevMgr->getStatus(enableStat, ifStatus)) {
std::cout << "Failed to retrieve Wlan status" <<std::endl;
if(enableStat) {
//Disable Wlan before changing configuration...
//Ensure callback returns SUCCESS and indication for Wlan disablement is received
if((telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS != wlanDevMgr->enable(false)) ||
(true == listener->getEnableStatus())) {
std::cout << "Failed to disable Wlan " <<std::endl;

6. Set the desired WLAN configurations.

if(telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS != wlanDevMgr->setMode(numAp, numSta)) {
std::cout << "Failed to set Wlan configuration" <<std::endl;

7. Enable WLAN for new configurations to take effect

//Ensure callback returns SUCCESS and indication for Wlan enablement is received
if((telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS != wlanDevMgr->enable(true)) ||
(false == listener->getEnableStatus())) {
std::cout << "Failed to enable Wlan " <<std::endl;