Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.63.7
Sending SMS

This sample application demonstrates how to send a SMS to a given cellphone specified by mobile number.

1. Implement ResponseCallback interface to receive subsystem initialization status

std::promise<telux::common::ServiceStatus> cbProm = std::promise<telux::common::ServiceStatus>();
void initResponseCb(telux::common::ServiceStatus status) {
if(subSystemsStatus == SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << SmsManager subsystem is ready << std::endl;
} else if(subSystemsStatus == SERVICE_FAILED) {
std::cout << SmsManager subsystem initialization failed << std::endl;

2. Get the PhoneFactory and default SmsManager instance

auto &phoneFactory = PhoneFactory::getInstance();
std::shared_ptr<ISmsManager> smsManager = phoneFactory.getSmsManager(initResponseCb);
if(smsMgr == NULL) {
std::cout << " Failed to get Sms Manager instance" << std::endl;
return -1;

3. Wait for SmsManager subsystem to be ready

telux::common::ServiceStatus status = cbProm.get_future().get();
if(status != SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << Unable to initialize Sms Manager subsystem << std::endl;
return -1;

4. Instantiate SMS sent and delivery callback and implement ICommandResponseCallback interface to know SMS sent and delivery status

auto smsSentCb = std::make_shared<SmsCallback>();
auto smsDeliveryCb = std::make_shared<SmsDeliveryCallback>();
class SmsCallback : public ICommandResponseCallback {
void commandResponse(ErrorCode error) override;
void SmsCallback::commandResponse(ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << "onSmsSent callback" << std::endl;
class SmsDeliveryCallback : public ICommandResponseCallback {
void commandResponse(ErrorCode error) override;
void SmsDeliveryCallback::commandResponse(ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << "SMS Delivery callback" << std::endl;

5. Send an SMS using ISmsManager by passing the text and receiver number along with required callback

if(smsManager) {
std::string receiverAddress("+18989531755");
std::string message("TEST message");
smsManager->sendSms(message, receiverAddress, smsSentCb, smsDeliveryCb);

Now, we will receive resonses in callbacks defined at step 3 (smsSentCb, smsDeliveryCb).