Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.62.0
Get TCU power state updates

This sample application demonstrates how to register for TCU-activity state notifications on the local machine, for performing any tasks before the state transition.

1. Implement ITcuActivityListener and IServiceStatusListener interface

class MyTcuActivityStateListener : public ITcuActivityListener,
public IServiceStatusListener {
void onTcuActivityStateUpdate(TcuActivityState state, std::string machineName) override;
void onServiceStatusChange(ServiceStatus status) override;

2. Get an instance of PowerFactory, and then obtain a TCU-activity manager instance with clientType as SLAVE and machine name as LOCAL_MACHINE

auto &powerFactory = PowerFactory::getInstance();
std::promise<telux::common::ServiceStatus> prom = std::promise<telux::common::ServiceStatus>();
ClientInstanceConfig config;
config.clientType = ClientType::SLAVE;
config.clientName = "client_name_" + std::to_string(getpid());
config.machineName = LOCAL_MACHINE;
auto tcuActivityManager = powerFactory.getTcuActivityManager(config,
[&](telux::common::ServiceStatus status) {
std::cout << " Init Callback called " << std::endl;

3. Wait for the TCU-activity management services to be initialized and ready

if (tcuActivityStateMgr_ == nullptr) {
std::cout << " ERROR - Failed to get manager instance" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Waiting for TCU Activity Manager to be ready" << std::endl;
telux::common::ServiceStatus serviceStatus = prom.get_future().get();

4. Exit the application, if SDK is unable to initialize TCU-activity management service

if (serviceStatus == telux::common::ServiceStatus::SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << " *** TCU-activity management service is Ready *** " << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << " *** ERROR - Unable to initialize TCU-activity management service" << std::endl;
return 1;

5. Instantiate MyTcuActivityStateListener and register for updates on TCU-activity state and its management service status

auto myTcuStateListener = std::make_shared<MyTcuActivityStateListener>();

6. When the TCU activity state of the local machine is about to change, the below listener callback is invoked with the new activity state

void MyTcuActivityStateListener::onTcuActivityStateUpdate(TcuActivityState tcuState, std::string machineName) {
std::cout << std::endl << "********* TCU-activity state update *********" << std::endl;
// Avoid long blocking calls when handling notifications
// Perform necessary tasks and prepare for the state transition

7. After successfully processing the SUSPEND/SHUTDOWN notification, send an acknowledgement to convey the readiness of the application for the state transition

tcuActivityManager->sendActivityStateAck(StateChangeResponse::ACK, tcuState);

8. Implement onServiceStatusChange callback to know when TCU-activity management service goes down

// When the TCU-activity management service goes down, this API is invoked
// with status UNAVAILABLE. All TCU-activity state notifications will be
// stopped until the status becomes AVAILABLE again.
void MyTcuActivityStateListener::onServiceStatusChange(ServiceStatus status) {
std::cout << std::endl << "****** TCU-activity management service status update ******" << std::endl;
// Avoid long blocking calls when handling notifications