Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.60.0
Ecall operation

This sample app demonstrates how to prepare for an eCall operation and indicate eCall completion.

1. Get platform factory instance

auto &platformFactory = PlatformFactory::getInstance();

2. Prepare a callback that is invoked when the filesystem sub-system initialization is complete

std::promise<telux::common::ServiceStatus> p;
auto initCb = [&p](telux::common::ServiceStatus status) {
std::cout << "Received service status: " << static_cast<int>(status) << std::endl;

3. Get the filesystem manager

std::shared_ptr<telux::platform::IFsManager> fsManager = platformFactory.getFsManager(initCb);
if (fsManager == nullptr) {
std::cout << "filesystem manager is nullptr" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Obtained filesystem manager" << std::endl;

4. Wait until initialization is complete

if (fsManager->getServiceStatus() != telux::common::ServiceStatus::SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << "Filesystem service not available" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Filesystem service is now available" << std::endl;

5. Create the listener object and register as a listener

std::shared_ptr<EcallOperationListener> ecallOperationListener
= std::make_shared<EcallOperationListener>();

6. Receive service status notifications

virtual void onServiceStatusChange(telux::common::ServiceStatus serviceStatus) override {
PRINT_NOTIFICATION << "Ecall operation service status: ";
std::string status;
switch (serviceStatus) {
case ServiceStatus::SERVICE_AVAILABLE: {
status = "Available";
case ServiceStatus::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: {
status = "Unavailable";
case ServiceStatus::SERVICE_FAILED: {
status = "Failed";
default: {
status = "Unknown";
std::cout << status << std::endl;

7. Before starting an eCall, prepare the filesystem manager for an eCall

Note: It is recommended to start an eCall even if the request to prepare for an eCall fails.this API can re-invoke while an eCall is ongoing.

telux::common::Status ecallStartStatus = telux::common::Status::FAILED;
std::cout << "Request to prepare for eCall start invoked " << std::endl;
ecallStartStatus = fsManager->prepareForEcall();
if (ecallStartStatus == telux::common::Status::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "Request to prepare for eCall start successful";
} else {
std::cout << "Request to prepare for eCall start failed : ";

8. Initiate an eCall

9. Receive notification when filesystem operation is about to resumes in seconds - timeLetftToStart

Note: On this notification, the client can still suspand the filesystem operation and continue the eCall by invoking prepareForEcall API (Step[7])

virtual void OnFsOperationImminentEvent(uint32_t timeLeftToStart) override {
PRINT_NOTIFICATION << "Filesystem operation resumes in seconds: ";
std::cout << timeLeftToStart << std::endl;

9. Once an eCall is completed, indicate to the filesystem manager

telux::common::Status ecallEndStatus = telux::common::Status::FAILED;
std::cout << "eCall completion request being invoked " << std::endl;
ecallEndStatus = fsManager->eCallCompleted();
if (ecallEndStatus == telux::common::Status::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "eCall completion request successful";
} else {
std::cout << "eCall completion request failed : ";

10. Clean-up when we do not need to listen anything

ecallOperationListener = nullptr;
fsManager = nullptr;