Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.60.0
Card service APIs to transmit APDU

This sample application demonstrates how to use card service APIs to transmit APDU.

1. Implement ResponseCallback interface to receive subsystem initialization status

std::promise<telux::common::ServiceStatus> cbProm = std::promise<telux::common::ServiceStatus>();
void initResponseCb(telux::common::ServiceStatus status) {
if (subSystemsStatus == SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << Card Manager subsystem is ready << std::endl;
} else if(subSystemsStatus == SERVICE_FAILED) {
std::cout << Card Manager subsystem initialization failed << std::endl;

2. Get the PhoneFactory and CardManager instances

auto &phoneFactory = PhoneFactory::getInstance();
auto cardManager = phoneFactory.getCardManager(initResponseCb);
if (cardManager == NULL) {
std::cout << " Failed to get Card Manager instance" << std::endl;
return -1;

3.Check if CardManager subsystem is ready

telux::common::ServiceStatus status = cardManager.getServiceStatus();

3.1 Wait for the CardManager subsystem initialization

telux::common::ServiceStatus status = cbProm.get_future().get();
if (status != SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << Unable to initialize Card Manager subsystem << std::endl;
return -1;

4. Get number of slots, their IDs and card instance

int slotCount;
std::cout << "Slots Count is :" << slotCount << std::endl;
std::vector<int> slotIds;
std::cout << "Slot Ids are : { ";
for(auto id : slotIds) {
std::cout << id << " ";
std::cout << "}" << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<ICard> cardImpl = cardManager->getCard(slotIds.front());

5. Get supported applications from the card

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ICardApp>> applications;
if(cardImpl) {
std::cout << "\nApplications available are : " << std::endl;
applications = cardImpl->getApplications();
for(auto cardApp : applications) {
std::cout << "AppId : " << cardApp->getAppId() << std::endl;

6. Instantiate optional IOpenLogicalChannelCallback, ICommandResponseCallback and ITransmitApduResponseCallback

auto myOpenLogicalCb = std::make_shared<MyOpenLogicalChannelCallback>();
auto myCloseLogicalCb = std::make_shared<MyCloseLogicalChannelCallback>();
auto myTransmitApduResponseCb = std::make_shared<MyTransmitApduResponseCallback>();
6.1 Implementation of ICardChannelCallback interface for receiving notifications on card event like open logical channel
class MyOpenLogicalChannelCallback : public ICardChannelCallback {
void onChannelResponse(int channel, IccResult result, ErrorCode error) override;
void MyOpenLogicalChannelCallback::onChannelResponse(int channel, IccResult result,
ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << "onChannelResponse, error: " << (int)error << std::endl;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(eventMutex);
errorCode = error;
openChannel = channel;
std::cout << "onChannelResponse: " << result.toString() << std::endl;
if(cardEventExpected == CardEvent::OPEN_LOGICAL_CHANNEL) {
std::cout << "Card Event OPEN_LOGICAL_CHANNEL found with code :" << int(error) << std::endl;
6.2. Implementation of ICommandResponseCallback interface for receiving notifications on card event like close logical channel
class MyCloseLogicalChannelCallback : public ICommandResponseCallback {
void commandResponse(ErrorCode error) override;
void MyCloseLogicalChannelCallback::commandResponse(ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << "commandResponse, error: " << (int)error << std::endl;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(eventMutex);
errorCode = error;
if(cardEventExpected == CardEvent::CLOSE_LOGICAL_CHANNEL) {
std::cout << "Card Event CLOSE_LOGICAL_CHANNEL found with code :" << int(error) << std::endl;
6.3. Implementation of ICardCommandCallback interface for receiving notifications on card event like transmit APDU logical channel and transmit APDU basic channel
class MyTransmitApduResponseCallback : public ICardCommandCallback {
void onResponse(IccResult result, ErrorCode error) override;
void MyTransmitApduResponseCallback::onResponse(IccResult result, ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << "onResponse, error: " << (int)error << std::endl;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(eventMutex);
errorCode = error;
std::cout << "onResponse: " << result.toString() << std::endl;
if(cardEventExpected == CardEvent::TRANSMIT_APDU_CHANNEL) {
std::cout << "Card Event TRANSMIT_APDU_CHANNEL found with code :" << int(error) << std::endl;

7. Open logical channel and wait for request to complete

std::string aid;
for(auto app : applications) {
if(app->getAppType() == APPTYPE_USIM) {
aid = app->getAppId();
cardImpl->openLogicalChannel(aid, myOpenLogicalCb);
std::cout << "Opening Logical Channel to Transmit the APDU..." << std::endl;

8. Transmit APDU on logical channel, wait for request to complete

cardImpl->transmitApduLogicalChannel(openChannel, CLA, INSTRUCTION, P1, P2, P3, DATA,
std::cout << "Transmit APDU request made..." << std::endl;

9. Close the opened logical channel and wait for the completion

cardImpl->closeLogicalChannel(openChannel, myCloseLogicalCb);
std::cout << "Close the Logical Channel..." << std::endl;

10. Transmit APDU on basic channel and wait for completion

cardImpl->transmitApduBasicChannel(CLA, INSTRUCTION, P1, P2, P3, DATA, myTransmitApduResponseCb);
std::cout << "Transmit APDU request on Basic channel made..." << std::endl;