Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.55.13
Playback on voice paths

This sample app demonstrates how to use the audio APIs for compressed audio format playback on voice paths.

1. Get the AudioFactory instance

auto &audioFactory = AudioFactory::getInstance();

2. Get the AudioManager instance and check for audio subsystem readiness

std::promise<ServiceStatus> prom{};
// Get AudioManager instance.
audioManager = audioFactory.getAudioManager([&prom](ServiceStatus serviceStatus) {
if (!audioManager) {
std::cout << "Failed to get AudioManager instance" << std::endl;
// Check if audio subsystem is ready
// If audio subsystem is not ready, wait for it to be ready
ServiceStatus managerStatus = audioManager->getServiceStatus();
if (managerStatus != ServiceStatus::SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << "\nAudio subsystem is not ready, Please wait ..." << std::endl;
managerStatus = prom.get_future().get();
// Check the service status again
if (managerStatus == ServiceStatus::SERVICE_AVAILABLE) {
std::cout << "Audio Subsytem is Ready << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "ERROR - Unable to initialize audio subsystem" << std::endl;

3. Create an audio playback session with voice path direction

StreamConfig config;
config.type = StreamType::PLAY;
config.slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID;
config.sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE;
config.format = AudioFormat::AMRWB_PLUS;
// here both channel selected, this can be selected according to requirement
config.channelTypeMask = (ChannelType::LEFT | ChannelType::RIGHT);
// Since the voice path is selected, we don't need to provide any device
// Voice path direction TX is for Voice uplink while direction RX is for Voice downlink
// Passing Decoder Specific Configuration, refer header file for more details.
AmrwbpParams amrParams{};
if (config.format == AudioFormat::AMRWB_PLUS) {
amrParams.bitWidth = 16;
amrParams.frameFormat = AmrwbpFrameFormat::FILE_STORAGE_FORMAT;
config.formatParams = &amrParams;
} else {
config.formatParams = nullptr;
std::promise<bool> p;
auto status = audioManager->createStream(config,
[&p,this](std::shared_ptr<IAudioStream> &audioStream, ErrorCode error) {
if (error == ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
audioPlayStream_ = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<IAudioPlayStream>(audioStream);
} else {
std::cout << "failed to Create a stream" <<std::endl;
if (status == Status::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "Request to create stream sent" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Request to create stream failed" << std::endl;
if (p.get_future().get()) {
std::cout<< "Audio Play Stream is Created" << std::endl;

4. Allocate stream buffers for playback operation

// Get an audio buffer (we can get more than one)
auto streamBuffer = audioPlayStream->getStreamBuffer();
if (streamBuffer != nullptr) {
// Setting the size that is to be written to stream as the minimum size
// required by stream. In any case if size returned is 0, using the Maximum
// Buffer Size, any buffer size between min and max can be used
size = streamBuffer->getMinSize();
if (size == 0) {
size = streamBuffer->getMaxSize();
} else {
std::cout << "Failed to get Stream Buffer " << std::endl;

5. Start write operation for playback to start

// We need an active voice session to play on voice paths.
// Callback which provides response to write operation.
void writeCallback(std::shared_ptr<IStreamBuffer> buffer, uint32_t bytes, ErrorCode error)
if (error != ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "write() returned with error " << static_cast<int>(error) << std::endl;
// Application needs to resend the Bitstream buffer from leftover position if bytes
// consumed are not equal to requested number of bytes to be written.
pipeLineEmpty_ = false;
// Indication Received only when callback returns with error that bytes written
// are not equal to bytes requested to write. It notifies that pipeline is ready
// to accept new buffer to write
void onReadyForWrite() {
pipeLineEmpty_ = true;
// Write desired data into the buffer, the bytes sent as 0x1 for example purpose only.
// First write starts Playback Session.
auto status = audioPlayStream->write(streamBuffer, writeCallback);
if (status != telux::common::Status::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "write() failed with error" << static_cast<int>(status) << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Request to write to stream sent" << std::endl;

6.1 Stop playback operation(STOP_AFTER_PLAY : Stops after playing pending buffers in pipeline)

std::promise<bool> p;
auto status = audioPlayStream_->stopAudio(StopType::STOP_AFTER_PLAY, [&p](ErrorCode error) {
if (error == ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
} else {
std::cout << "Failed to stop after playing buffers" << std::endl;
if (status == Status::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "Request to stop playback after pending buffers Sent" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Request to stop playback after pending buffers failed" << std::endl;
if (p.get_future().get()) {
std::cout << "Pending buffers played successful !!" << std::endl;

6.2 Stop playback operation(FORCE_STOP : Stops immediately, all buffers in pipeline are flushed)

std::promise<bool> p;
auto status = audioPlayStream_->stopAudio(
StopType::FORCE_STOP, [&p](telux::common::ErrorCode error) {
if (error == telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
} else {
std::cout << "Failed to force stop" << std::endl;
if(status == telux::common::Status::SUCCESS){
std::cout << "Request to force stop Sent" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Request to force stop failed" << std::endl;
if (p.get_future().get()) {
std::cout << "Force Stop successful !!" << std::endl;

7. Dispose the audio stream, once end of operation is reached

std::promise<bool> p;
Status status = audioManager-> deleteStream(
audioPlayStream_, [&p,this](ErrorCode error) {
if (error == ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
} else {
std::cout << "Failed to delete a stream" << std::endl;
if (status == Status::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "Request to delete stream sent" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Request to delete stream failed" << std::endl;
if (p.get_future().get()) {
audioPlayStream_= nullptr;
std::cout << "Audio Play Stream is Deleted" << std::endl;