Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.55.13
Turn radio on or off

This sample application demonstrates how to turn modem radio on or off.

1. Get the PhoneFactory and PhoneManager instances

auto &phoneFactory = PhoneFactory::getInstance();
auto phoneManager = phoneFactory.getPhoneManager();

2. Check if telephony subsystem is ready

bool subSystemsStatus = phoneManager->isSubsystemReady();

2.1 If telephony subsystem is not ready, wait for it to be ready

If subsystem is not ready, wait unconditionally.

if (!subSystemsStatus) {
std::future<bool> f = phoneManager->onSubsystemReady();
subSystemsStatus = f.get();

3. Instantiate Phone

auto phone = phoneManager->getPhone();

4. Implement IPhoneListener interface to receive service state change notifications

class MyPhoneListener : public telux::tel::IPhoneListener {
void onRadioStateChanged(int phoneId, telux::tel::RadioState radiostate) {
~MyPhoneListener() {

4.1 Instantiate MyPhoneListener

auto myPhoneListener = std::make_shared<MyPhoneListener>();

5. Register for phone info updates


6. Implement ICommandResponseCallback to receive the status of setRadioPower API call

class MyPhoneCommandResponseCallback : public ICommandResponseCallback {
MyPhoneCommandResponseCallback() {
void commandResponse(ErrorCode error) override;

7. Instantiate MyPhoneCommandResponseCallback

auto myPhoneCommandCb = std::make_shared<MyPhoneCommandResponseCallback>();

8. Set the radio power ON/OFF

phone->setRadioPower(true, myPhoneCommandCb);

9. Command response callback is invoked with error code indicating SUCCESS or FAILURE of the operation

MyPhoneCommandResponseCallback::commandResponse(ErrorCode error) {
if(error == ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "Set Radio Power On request is successful ";
} else {
std::cout << "Set Radio Power On request failed with error " << static_cast<int>(error);