Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.53.0
Receiving data

This sample app demonstrates how to use the C-V2X Radio Manager API to receive C-V2X data.

1. Create Callback methods for ICv2xRadio and ICv2xRadioManager methods

static Cv2xStatus gCv2xStatus;
static promise<ErrorCode> gCallbackPromise;
static shared_ptr<ICv2xRxSubscription> gRxSub;
static uint32_t gPacketsReceived = 0u;
static array<char, G_BUF_LEN> gBuf;
// Resets the global callback promise
static inline void resetCallbackPromise(void) {
gCallbackPromise = promise<ErrorCode>();
// Callback method for Cv2xRadioManager->requestCv2xStatus()
static void cv2xStatusCallback(Cv2xStatus status, ErrorCode error) {
if (ErrorCode::SUCCESS == error) {
gCv2xStatus = status;
// Callback method for Cv2xRadio->createRxSubscription() and Cv2xRadio->closeRxSubscription()
static void rxSubCallback(shared_ptr<ICv2xRxSubscription> rxSub, ErrorCode error) {
if (ErrorCode::SUCCESS == error) {
gRxSub = rxSub;

Note: We can also use Lambda functions instead of defining global scope callbacks.

2. Get a handle to the ICv2xRadioManager instance

auto & cv2xFactory = Cv2xFactory::getInstance();
auto cv2xRadioManager = cv2xFactory.getCv2xRadioManager();

3. Request the C-V2X status

We want to verify that the C-V2X RX status is ACTIVE before we trying to receive any data.

// Get C-V2X status and make sure Rx is enabled
assert(Status::SUCCESS == cv2xRadioManager->requestCv2xStatus(cv2xStatusCallback));
assert(ErrorCode::SUCCESS == gCallbackPromise.get_future().get());
if (Cv2xStatusType::ACTIVE == gCv2xStatus.rxStatus) {
cout << "C-V2X RX status is active" << endl;
else {
cerr << "C-V2X RX is inactive" << endl;

4. Get handle to C-V2X Radio

auto cv2xRadio = cv2xRadioManager->getCv2xRadio(TrafficCategory::SAFETY_TYPE);

5. Wait for C-V2X Radio to be ready

if (not cv2xRadio->isReady()) {
if (Status::SUCCESS == cv2xRadio->onReady().get()) {
cout << "C-V2X Radio is ready" << endl;
else {
cerr << "C-V2X Radio initialization failed." << endl;

6. Create RX subscription and receive data using RX socket

assert(Status::SUCCESS == cv2xRadio->createRxSubscription(TrafficIpType::TRAFFIC_NON_IP,
assert(ErrorCode::SUCCESS == gCallbackPromise.get_future().get());
// Read from the RX socket in a loop
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
// Receive from RX socket

7. Close RX subscription

We supply the callback in this sample and check its status, but note that it is optional.

assert(Status::SUCCESS == cv2xRadio->closeRxSubscription(gRxSub,
assert(ErrorCode::SUCCESS == gCallbackPromise.get_future().get());