Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.52.0
Get CV2X service status

This sample app demonstrates how to use the C-V2X Radio Manager API to get the C-V2X status.

1. Create a RequestCv2xStatusCallback method

static Cv2xStatus gCv2xStatus;
static promise<ErrorCode> gCallbackPromise;
static map<Cv2xStatusType, string> gCv2xStatusToString = {
{Cv2xStatusType::INACTIVE, "Inactive"},
{Cv2xStatusType::ACTIVE, "Active"},
{Cv2xStatusType::UNKNOWN, "UNKNOWN"},
// Callback method for Cv2xRadioManager->requestCv2xStatus
static void cv2xStatusCallback(Cv2xStatus status, ErrorCode error) {
if (ErrorCode::SUCCESS == error) {
gCv2xStatus = status;

Note: as an alternative, we can use a Lambda function which would eliminate the need for this global scope.

2. Get a handle to the ICv2xRadioManager instance

auto & cv2xFactory = Cv2xFactory::getInstance();
auto cv2xRadioManager = cv2xFactory.getCv2xRadioManager();

3. Request the C-V2X status

if (Status::SUCCESS != cv2xRadioManager->requestCv2xStatus(cv2xStatusCallback)) {
cout << "Error : request for C-V2X status failed." << endl;
if (ErrorCode::SUCCESS != gCallbackPromise.get_future().get()) {
cout << "Error : failed to retrieve C-V2X status." << endl;
if (Cv2xStatusType::ACTIVE == gCv2xStatus.rxStatus) {
cout << "C-V2X Status:" << endl
<< " RX : " << gCv2xStatusToString[gCv2xStatus.rxStatus] << endl
<< " TX : " << gCv2xStatusToString[gCv2xStatus.txStatus] << endl;