Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.52.0
Simulation with TelSDK

Sometimes, you may want to start developing an application early in the absence of target hardware. To support this, TelSDK features simulating certain functionality for example, generating location report.

Simulating location report generation

A pre-defined location data is fed to the TelSDK location library which is then passed to the application in the same way as it would have been in the case of a real hardware. The steps to simulate location functionality are as follows:

  1. Fetch the source code as described in chapter 2 - Building applications based on TelSDK.

  2. Install CMake tool to build code on host machine.
    1 $ sudo apt-get install cmake

  3. Install required TelSDK headers.
    1 $ cd telux/public/include
    2 $ cmake .
    3 $ cmake --build .
    4 $ sudo make install

  4. Build and install required TelSDK libraries.
    1 $ cd telux/public/simulation
    2 $ cmake .
    3 $ cmake --build .
    4 $ sudo make install

  5. Enable building only location_test_app. In the telux/public/apps/CMakeLists.txt file comment out all "add_subdirectory" statements except for location_test_app.
    1 $ cd telux/public/apps
    2 $ cmake .
    3 $ cmake --build .
    4 $ sudo make install

  6. Run the test application.
    1 $ location_test_app

Configuring location simulation parameters

It is possible to configure various location parameters to increase simulation coverage. Overall, data availability, source of the location data, various delays and frequency of the reports can be configured.

These parameters are defined in the simulation/loc/StubConfig, simulation/loc/StubDefines.hpp and simulation/loc/commonDef.hpp files. If any parameter is not overridden through these files, default hard-coded value is used for it.