Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.29.0
Add Firewall Entry

Please follow below steps to create and add Firewall Entry

1. Get the DataFactory and Firewall Manager instance

auto &dataFactory = telux::data::DataFactory::getInstance();
auto dataFwMgr = dataFactory.getFirewallManager(opType);

2. Check if data subsystem is ready

bool subSystemStatus = dataFwMgr->isSubsystemReady();

2.1 If data subsystem is not ready, wait for it to be ready

Data subsystems is to make sure that device is ready for services like create Firewall entry. if subsystems were not ready, wait for unconditionally.

if(!subSystemStatus) {
std::future<bool> f = dataFwMgr->onSubsystemReady();
subSystemStatus = f.get();

3. Get firewall Entry instance

std::shared_ptr<telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry> fwEntry
= dataFactory.getNewFirewallEntry(proto, fwDir, ipFamType);

4. Get pointer to Ip Filter

std::shared_ptr<telux::data::IIpFilter> ipFilter = fwEntry->getIProtocolFilter();

5. Populate Ip Filter based on Ip Family type

switch (ipFamType) {
case telux::data::IpFamilyType::IPV4: {
telux::data::IPv4Info info;
info.srcAddr = srcAddr;
info.destAddr = destAddr;
info.srcSubnetMask = configParser->getValue(std::string("IPV4_SRC_SUBNET_MASK"));
info.destSubnetMask = configParser->getValue(std::string("IPV4_DEST_SUBNET_MASK"));
info.value = (uint8_t)std::atoi(
info.mask = (uint8_t)std::atoi(
info.nextProtoId = proto;
} break;
case telux::data::IpFamilyType::IPV6: {
telux::data::IPv6Info info;
info.srcAddr = srcAddr;
info.destAddr = destAddr;
info.nextProtoId = proto;
info.val = (uint8_t)std::atoi(
info.mask = (uint8_t)std::atoi(
info.flowLabel = (uint32_t)std::atoi(
} break;
default: {
std::cout <<"Error: Unrecognized Ip Family used .. exiting app" <<std::endl;
return 1;
} break;

6. Populate Protocol information

switch (proto) {
case 6: { // TCP
telux::data::TcpInfo tcpInfo;
tcpInfo.src.port = (uint16_t)protSrcPort;
tcpInfo.src.range = (uint16_t)protSrcRange;
tcpInfo.dest.port = (uint16_t)protDestPort;
tcpInfo.dest.range = (uint16_t)protDestRange;
auto tcpFilter = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<telux::data::ITcpFilter>(ipFilter);
if(tcpFilter) {
} break;
case 17: { //UDP
telux::data::UdpInfo info;
info.src.port = (uint16_t)protSrcPort;
info.src.range = (uint16_t)protSrcRange;
info.dest.port = (uint16_t)protDestPort;
info.dest.range = (uint16_t)protDestRange;
auto udpFilter = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<telux::data::IUdpFilter>(ipFilter);
if(udpFilter) {
} break;
default: {
} break;

7. Instantiate add firewall entry callback instance - this is optional

auto respCb = [](telux::common::ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "CALLBACK: "
<< "addFirewallEntry Response"
<< (error == telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS ? " is successful" : " failed")
<< ". ErrorCode: " << static_cast<int>(error) << std::endl;
std::future<int> future = promise.get_future();
dataFwMgr->addFirewallEntry(profileId, fwEntry, respCb);