Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.29.0
Add a software bridge and Enable software bridge management

Please follow below steps to add a software bridge and enable software bridge management

1. Get the DataFactory and BridgeManager instances

auto &dataFactory = telux::data::DataFactory::getInstance();
auto dataBridgeMgr = dataFactory.getBridgeManager();

2. Check if data subsystem is ready

bool subSystemsStatus = dataBridgeMgr->isSubsystemReady();

2.1 If data subsystem is not ready, wait for it to be ready

Data subsystem needs to be ready to add a software bridge and enable the software bridge management in the system. If the subsystem is not ready, wait for it unconditionally.

if(!subSystemsStatus) {
std::future<bool> f = dataBridgeMgr->onSubsystemReady();
subSystemsStatus = f.get();

3. Implement callbacks for adding a software bridge and enabling the software bridge management

auto respCbAdd = [](telux::common::ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << "CALLBACK: "
<< "Add software bridge request"
<< (error == telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS ? " is successful" : " failed")
<< ". ErrorCode: " << static_cast<int>(error)
<< ", description: " << Utils::getErrorCodeAsString(error) << std::endl;
auto respCbEnable = [](telux::common::ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << "CALLBACK: "
<< "Enable software bridge management request is"
<< (error == telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS ? " successful" : " failed")
<< ". ErrorCode: " << static_cast<int>(error)
<< ", description: " << Utils::getErrorCodeAsString(error) << std::endl;

4. Add software bridge based on the interface name, interface type and bandwidth required

telux::data::net::BridgeInfo config;
config.ifaceName = infName;
config.ifaceType = infType;
config.bandwidth = bridgeBw;
dataBridgeMgr->addBridge(config, respCbAdd);

5. Response callback will be invoked with the addBridge response

6. Enable the software bridge management if not enabled already

bool enable = true;
dataBridgeMgr->enableBridge(enable, respCbEnable);

7. Response callback will be invoked with the enableBridge response