Telematics SDK - User Guide  v1.26.0
Cellular Data Call - Start/Stop

Please follow below steps to start or stop cellular data call

1. Get the DataFactory and DataConnectionManager instances

auto &dataFactory = DataFactory::getInstance();
auto dataConnectionManager = dataFactory.getDataConnectionManager();

2. Check if data subsystem is ready

bool subSystemsStatus = dataConnectionManager->isSubsystemReady();

2.1 If data subsystem is not ready, wait for it to be ready

Data subsystems is to make sure that device is ready for services like bring-up or tear-down cellular data call. if subsystems were not ready, wait for unconditionally.

if(!subSystemsStatus) {
std::future<bool> f = dataConnectionManager->onSubsystemReady();
subSystemsStatus = f.get();

3. Implement DataCallResponseCb callback for startDatacall

void startDataCallResponseCallBack(const std::shared_ptr<telux::data::IDataCall> &dataCall,
telux::common::ErrorCode error) {
std::cout<< "Received callback for startDataCall" << std::endl;
if(error == telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
std::cout<< "Request sent successfully" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout<< "Request failed with errorCode: " << static_cast<int>(error) << std::endl;

4. Send a start data call request with profile ID, IpFamily type along with required callback function

dataConnectionManager->startDataCall(profileId, telux::data::IpFamilyType::IPV4V6,

5. Response callback will be called for the startDataCall response

6. Implement DataCallResponseCb callback for stopDatacall

void stopDataCallResponseCallBack(const std::shared_ptr<telux::data::IDataCall> &dataCall,
telux::common::ErrorCode error) {
std::cout << "Received callback for stopDataCall" << std::endl;
if(error == telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "Request sent successfully" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Request failed with errorCode: " << static_cast<int>(error) << std::endl;

7. Send a stop data call request with profile ID, IpFamily type along with required callback function

dataConnectionManager->stopDataCall(profileId, telux::data::IpFamilyType::IPV4V6,

8. Response callback will be called for the stopDataCall response