Telematics SDK - Interface Specification  v1.33.1
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Deprecated List
Global telux::cv2x::ICv2xListener::onStatusChanged (Cv2xStatus status)
use onStatusChanged(Cv2xStatusEx status)
Global telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadio::getCapabilities () const =0
Use requestCapabilities() API
Global telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioListener::onSpsOffsetChanged (int spsId, MacDetails details)
use onSpsSchedulingChanged
Global telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioListener::onStatusChanged (Cv2xStatus status)
use onStatusChanged in Cv2xListener
Global telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioListener::onStatusChanged (Cv2xStatusEx status)
use onStatusChanged in Cv2xListener
Global telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioManager::requestCv2xStatus (RequestCv2xStatusCallback cb)=0
use requestCv2xStatus(RequestCv2xCalbackEx)
Global telux::cv2x::RequestCv2xStatusCallback
use RequestCv2xStatusCallbackEx
Global telux::cv2x::TrustedUEInfo::timeConfidenceLevel
Use timeUncertainty Time confidence level. Range from 0 to 127 with 0 being invalid/unavailable and 127 being the most confident.
Global telux::loc::COMPASS
constellation type is not supported.
constellation type is not supported.
Global telux::loc::ILocationManager::getHorizontalAccuracyLevel ()=0
API is not going to be supported in future releases. Clients should stop using this API. Once an API has been marked as Deprecated, the API could be removed in future releases.
Global telux::loc::ILocationManager::getMinIntervalForFinalReports ()=0
API is not going to be supported in future releases. Clients should stop using this API. Once an API has been marked as Deprecated, the API could be removed in future releases.
Global telux::loc::ILocationManager::getPositionReportTimeout ()=0
API is not going to be supported in future releases. Clients should stop using this API. Once an API has been marked as Deprecated, the API could be removed in future releases.
Global telux::loc::ILocationManager::registerListener (std::weak_ptr< ILocationListener > listener)=0
API is not going to be supported in future releases. Clients should stop using this API. Once an API has been marked as Deprecated, the API could be removed in future releases.
Global telux::loc::ILocationManager::removeListener (std::weak_ptr< ILocationListener > listener)=0
API is not going to be supported in future releases. Clients should stop using this API. Once an API has been marked as Deprecated, the API could be removed in future releases.
Global telux::loc::ILocationManager::setHorizontalAccuracyLevel (HorizontalAccuracyLevel accuracy=HorizontalAccuracyLevel::LOW, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
API is not going to be supported in future releases. Clients should stop using this API. Once an API has been marked as Deprecated, the API could be removed in future releases.
Global telux::loc::ILocationManager::setMinIntervalForReports (uint32_t minInterval, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
API is not going to be supported in future releases. Clients should stop using this API. Once an API has been marked as Deprecated, the API could be removed in future releases.
Global telux::loc::ILocationManager::setPositionReportTimeout (uint32_t timeout, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
API is not going to be supported in future releases. Clients should stop using this API. Once an API has been marked as Deprecated, the API could be removed in future releases.
Global telux::tel::GsmSignalStrengthInfo::getGsmBitErrorRate () const
This API not being supported
Global telux::tel::GsmSignalStrengthInfo::getTimingAdvance ()
This API not being supported
Global telux::tel::ICallListener::onECallMsdTransmissionStatus (int phoneId, telux::common::ErrorCode errorCode)
Use another onECallMsdTransmissionStatus() API with argument ECallMsdTransmissionStatus
Global telux::tel::IPhone::getServiceState ()=0
Use requestVoiceServiceState() API
Global telux::tel::IPhoneListener::onServiceStateChanged (int phoneId, ServiceState state)
Use onVoiceServiceStateChanged() listener
Global telux::tel::ISapCardManager::getState (SapState &sapState)=0
Use requestSapState() API below to get SAP state
Global telux::tel::LteSignalStrengthInfo::getLteChannelQualityIndicator () const
This API not being supported
Global telux::tel::LteSignalStrengthInfo::getTimingAdvance () const
This API not being supported
Global telux::tel::ServiceState
Use requestVoiceServiceState() API or to know the status of phone
Global telux::tel::WcdmaSignalStrengthInfo::getBitErrorRate () const
This API not being supported