Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine SDK
Reference Guide
Running a ONNX Model with SNPE SDK

Table Of Contents


This example imports a pretrained VGG model from the ONNX framework, and demonstrates inference.


This example shows how to run an ONNX model using the SNPE SDK. We will perform the following steps:

  • Set up the ONNX environment for converting the VGG-16 model into a DLC, using snpe-onnx-to-dlc.
  • Download the ONNX pre-trained VGG model and preprocess input image.
  • Convert the VGG model to DLC format, using snpe-onnx-to-dlc. Use snpe-dlc-info to visualize the converted network structure.
  • Execute on your SNPE compatible device, using snpe-net-run, and postprocess the result for prediction.

Running The Example

  1. First set up ONNX environment

    cd $SNPE_ROOT
    source bin/ -o $ONNX_DIR
      where $ONNX_DIR is the path to the ONNX installation.

    The script sets up the following environment variables.

    SNPE_ROOT: root directory of the SNPE SDK installation
    ONNX_HOME: root directory of the ONNX installation provided

    The script also updates PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PYTHONPATH.

    You should be able to run snpe-onnx-to-dlc -h without error if the environment is set correctly.

  2. Download the VGG pretrained model
    Download the ONNX pretrained VGG model from here.

    cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG

    You can find more information about the ONNX VGG model here

  3. Download a sample image, and the label file for the model.

    cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG/data

    The size of the input image is not limited.

    You can use your own image.
  4. Preprocess the image and convert it into a raw file.

    1. Resize to 256x256
    2. Take center crop of 224x224
    3. Normalize
    4. Save as a raw file
    cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG/
    python scripts/ -i data/ -d data/cropped/

    If you see this message, it means the image is preprocessed successfully.

    Preprocessed successfully!

  5. Convert the ONNX model into SNPE DLC format.

    cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG
    snpe-onnx-to-dlc -i onnx/vgg16.onnx -o dlc/vgg16.dlc

    You should see the following messages:

    INFO - INFO_DLC_SAVE_LOCATION: Saving model at dlc/vgg16.dlc
    INFO - INFO_CONVERSION_SUCCESS: Conversion completed successfully
    From step 2 to step 5, it is equivalent to running "python3 $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG/scripts/"
    usage: $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG/scripts/ [-h] -a ASSETS_DIR [-d]
    Prepares the VGG assets for tutorial examples.
    required arguments:
      -a ASSETS_DIR, --assets_dir ASSETS_DIR
                            directory containing the VGG assets
    optional arguments:
      -d, --download        Download VGG assets to VGG example directory
  6. View your DLC model using snpe-dlc-info Execute snpe-dlc-info -i dlc/vgg16.dlc and you will see each layer information in detailed.

    Here is a quick snapshot:

       DLC info for: $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG/dlc/vgg16.dlc
       Model Version: N/A
       Model Copyright:N/A
       | Id | Name                 | Type            | Inputs             | Outputs            | Out Dims      | Runtimes | Parameters                           |
       | 0  | data                 | data            | data               | data               | 1x224x224x3   | A D G C  | input_preprocessing: passthrough     |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | input_type: default                  |
       | 1  | vgg0_conv0_fwd       | convolutional   | data               | vgg0_conv0_fwd     | 1x224x224x64  | A D G C  | padding x: 1                         |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | padding y: 1                         |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | padding mode: zero                   |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | stride x: 1                          |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | stride y: 1                          |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | num filters: 64                      |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | kernel: 3x3                          |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | param count: 1k (0.0013%)            |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | MACs per inference: 86M (0.56%)      |
       | 2  | vgg0_relu0_fwd       | neuron          | vgg0_conv0_fwd     | vgg0_relu0_fwd     | 1x224x224x64  | A D G C  | a: 0                                 |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | b: 0                                 |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | min_clamp: 0                         |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | max_clamp: 0                         |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | func: relu                           |
       | 39 | flatten_70           | reshape         | vgg0_dropout1_fwd  | flatten_70         | 1x4096        | A D G C  |                                      |
       | 40 | vgg0_dense2_fwd      | fully_connected | flatten_70         | vgg0_dense2_fwd    | 1x1000        | A D G C  | param count: 4M (2.96%)              |
       |    |                      |                 |                    |                    |               |          | MACs per inference: 4M (0.0265%)     |
       Note: The supported runtimes column assumes a processor target of Snapdragon 835 (8998)
       Key : A:AIP
       Total parameters: 138348355 (527 MB assuming single precision float)
       Total MACs per inference: 15471M (100%)
       Converter command: snpe-onnx-to-dlc input_encoding=[] copyright_file=None disable_batchnorm_folding=False dry_run=None model_version=None input_type=[] validation_target=[] debug=-1 enable_strict_
       DLC created with converter version: X.Y.Z
       Est. Steady-State Memory Needed to Run: 965.9 MiB

    This tool shows the name, dimensions and important parameters of each layer. Additionally, it shows enabled runtimes.

  7. Run inference: snpe-net-run loads a DLC file, loads the data for the input tensor(s), and executes the network on the specified runtime.

    cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG/data
    snpe-net-run --input_list raw_list.txt --container ../dlc/vgg16.dlc --output_dir ../output

    You will see the following:

    Model String: N/A
    SNPE vX.Y.Z
    Processing DNN input(s):

  8. Postprocess the result for prediction

    cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/VGG/
    python scripts/ -i data/raw_list.txt -o output/ -l data/synset.txt

  9. You will see the following, and it means the example ran successfully!

    Classification results
    probability=0.351833 ; class=n02123045 tabby, tabby cat
    probability=0.315166 ; class=n02123159 tiger cat
    probability=0.313086 ; class=n02124075 Egyptian cat
    probability=0.012995 ; class=n02127052 lynx, catamount
    probability=0.003528 ; class=n02129604 tiger, Panthera tigris