Qualcomm FastCV Library  1.7.1
3D reconstruction


FASTCV_API void fcvGeomAffineFitf32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, float *__restrict affine)
 Computes affine trans. for a given set of corresponding features points using a linear least square colver based on Cholkesky decomposition.
FASTCV_API int fcvGeomAffineEvaluatef32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, float *__restrict affine, float maxsqerr, uint16_t *__restrict inliers, int32_t *numinliers)
 Evaluates specified affine transformation against provided points correspondences. Checks which correspondence members have a projection error that is smaller than the given one (maxSquErr).
FASTCV_API void fcvGeomHomographyFitf32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, float *__restrict homography)
 Performs cholesky homography fitting on specified points correspondences.

[x_to] [ a11 a12 a13 ] [ x_from ]
[y_to] = [ a21 a22 a23 ] * [ y_from ]
[ 1 ] [ a31 a32 a33 ] [ 1 ]
note that all the correspondences are considered, if correspondence pairs are smaller than 4, the API returns. If correspondence pairs are larger than 4, the API takes all the correspondences into consideration using least squared method.
FASTCV_API int fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, float *__restrict homography, float maxsqerr, uint16_t *__restrict inliers, int32_t *numinliers)
 Evaluates specified homography against provided points correspondences. Check which correspondence members have a projection error that is smaller than the given one (maxSquErr).
FASTCV_API int fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32_v2 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, float32_t *__restrict homography, float32_t maxsqerr, uint16_t *__restrict inliers, float32_t *__restrict errinliers, int32_t *numinliers)
 Evaluates specified homography against provided points correspondences. Check which correspondence members have a projection error that is smaller than the given one (maxSquErr).
FASTCV_API float fcvGeomPoseRefineGNf32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, short minIterations, short maxIterations, float stopCriteria, float *initpose, float *refinedpose)
 Performs cholesky pose fitting on specified points correspondences. Takes a pose and uses the correspondences to refine it using iterative Gauss-Newton optimization.
FASTCV_API int fcvGeomPoseUpdatef32 (const float *__restrict projected, const float *__restrict reprojErr, const float *__restrict invz, const float *__restrict reprojVariance, unsigned int numpts, float *__restrict pose)
 Update and compute the differential pose based on the specified points correspondences This function and fcvGeomPoseOptimizeGNf32 can be used iteratively to perform poseRefine GN.
FASTCV_API int fcvGeomPoseOptimizeGNf32 (const float *__restrict projected, const float *__restrict reprojErr, const float *__restrict invz, const float *__restrict reprojVariance, unsigned int numpts, float *__restrict pose)
 Update the pose based on the specified points correspondences using Gauss-Newton optimization. This function and fcvGeomPoseEvaluateErrorf32 can be used iteratively to perform poseRefine GN.
FASTCV_API float fcvGeomPoseEvaluateErrorf32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, const float *__restrict pose, float *__restrict projected, float *__restrict reprojErr, float *__restrict invz, float *__restrict reprojVariance)
 Calculate the reprojection error based on the input pose. This function and fcvGeomPoseOptimizef32 can be used iteratively to perform poseRefine (GN or LM)..
FASTCV_API int fcvGeomPoseEvaluatef32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, const float *pose, float maxSquErr, uint16_t *__restrict inliers, uint32_t *numInliers)
 Checks which members have a projection error that is smaller than the given one.
FASTCV_API void fcvGeom3PointPoseEstimatef32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, float *pose, int32_t *numPoses)
 Estimates a 6DOF pose
NOTE: Given the coordinates of three 3D points (in world reference frame), and their corresponding perspective projections in an image, this algorithm determines the position and orientation of the camera in the world reference frame. The function provides up to four solutions that can be disambiguated using a fourth point. When used in conjunction with RANSAC, this function can perform efficient outlier rejection. Two degenerate cases should be avoided when using this function:
FASTCV_API void fcvGeomDistortPoint2x1f32 (const float32_t *__restrict cameraCalibration, const float32_t *__restrict xyCamera, float32_t *__restrict xyDevice)
 Applies radial distortion to a 2D coordinate in camera coordinates and returns the distorted coordinate in device coordinates.
FASTCV_API void fcvGeomDistortPoint2xNf32 (const float32_t *__restrict cameraCalibration, const float32_t *__restrict xyCamera, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t xySize, float32_t *__restrict xyDevice, uint32_t dstStride)
 Applies radial distortion to a set of 2D coordinates in camera coordinates and returns the distorted coordinates in device coordinates. brief algorithm desribed in fcvGeomDistortPoint2x1f32.
FASTCV_API void fcvGeomUndistortPoint2x1f32 (const float32_t *__restrict cameraCalibration, const float32_t *__restrict xyDevice, float32_t *__restrict xyCamera)
 Applies radial undistortion to a 2D coordinate in device coordinates and returns the undistorted coordinate in camera coordinates.
FASTCV_API void fcvGeomUndistortPoint2xNf32 (const float32_t *__restrict cameraCalibration, const float32_t *__restrict xyDevice, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t xySize, float32_t *__restrict xyCamera, uint32_t dstStride)
 Applies radial undistortion to a 2D coordinate in device coordinates and returns the undistorted coordinate in camera coordinates. brief algorithm desribed in fcvGeomUndistortPoint2x1f32.
FASTCV_API int32_t fcvGeomProjectPoint3x1f32 (const float32_t *__restrict pose, const float32_t *__restrict cameraCalibration, const float32_t *__restrict xyz, float32_t *__restrict xyCamera, float32_t *__restrict xyDevice)
 Transforms a 3D point using a pose-matrix, projects the transformed point, distorts the projected 2D point and converts to device coordinates.
FASTCV_API void fcvGeomProjectPoint3xNf32 (const float32_t *__restrict pose, const float32_t *__restrict cameraCalibration, const float32_t *__restrict xyz, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t xyzSize, float32_t *__restrict xyCamera, float32_t *__restrict xyDevice, uint32_t dstStride, uint32_t *inFront)
 Transforms a 3D point using a pose-matrix, projects the transformed point, distorts the projected 2D point and converts to device coordinates. brief algorithm desribed in fcvGeomProjectPoint3x1f32.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvInvertAffineTransformf32 (const float32_t *__restrict M, float32_t *__restrict invAffineMat)
 Invert an affine transformation.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvGeomHomographyRobustFitf32 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corr, float32_t *__restrict homography, float32_t reprojThreshold)
 Performs robust homography fitting on specified points correspondences.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvICPJacobianErrorSE3f32 (const uint16_t *__restrict depthData, uint32_t depthWidth, uint32_t depthHeight, uint32_t depthStride, const float32_t *__restrict refPointsNormals, uint32_t numPoints, const float32_t *__restrict refPose, const float32_t *__restrict camera, float32_t sqDistThreshold, float32_t *__restrict sqDists, float32_t *__restrict errors, float32_t *__restrict jacobian)
 Compute Point-to-Plane ICP Jacobian matrix and errors for SE3 motion.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvGeomHomographyFitf32_v2 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corrs, float32_t *__restrict homography, uint32_t mode)
 Performs homography fitting on specified points correspondences.

[x_to] [ a11 a12 a13 ] [ x_from ]
[y_to] = [ a21 a22 a23 ] * [ y_from ]
[ 1 ] [ a31 a32 a33 ] [ 1 ]
note that all the correspondences are considered, if correspondence pairs are smaller than 4, the API returns. If correspondence pairs are larger than 4, the API takes all the correspondences into consideration using least squared method.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvGeomHomographyRobustFitf32_v2 (const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict corr, float32_t *__restrict homography, float32_t reprojThreshold, uint32_t mode)
 Performs robust homography fitting on specified points correspondences.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvDepthFusion8x8x8xNs16 (const fcvDepthFusionBlockConfig *__restrict configs, int16_t *__restrict volumes, uint32_t numBlocks, uint32_t volumeStride, const float32_t *__restrict depthData, uint32_t depthWidth, uint32_t depthHeight, uint32_t depthStride, const float32_t *__restrict cameraCalibration, int16_t maxWeight)
 Volumetric depth fusion into multiple 8x8x8 blocks.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvUndistortDisparityConvertDepthf32 (const float32_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, const uint8_t *__restrict mask, uint32_t maskStride, const float32_t *__restrict pixelDistortion, uint32_t pixelDistortionStride, uint32_t convertDepth, const float32_t *__restrict imageDistortion, const float32_t *__restrict depthParam, float32_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Undistort a disparity image and optionally convert the undistorted disparity image into a depth image.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvRegisterDepthImagef32 (const float32_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, const float32_t *__restrict Kdinv, const float32_t *__restrict Kc, const float32_t *__restrict Rd2c, const float32_t *__restrict Td2c, float32_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Registers an input Depth Image with an input Color Image.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvConvertDepthImageToPointCloudf32 (const float32_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, const float32_t *__restrict Kdinv, float32_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Convert depth image into 3D point Cloud.

Detailed Description

Homography, pose evaluation functions

Function Documentation

FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvConvertDepthImageToPointCloudf32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
const float32_t *__restrict  Kdinv,
float32_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Convert depth image into 3D point Cloud.

srcPointer to the depth image
srcWidthWidth of the depth image in pixel. The number of pixels in a row.
srcHeightHeight of the depth image in pixel
srcStrideStride of depth image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t).
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
KdinvKdinv is an array of 9 elements representing the inverse of the 3x3 depth camera matrix arranged row wise.
dstPointer to the 3D point cloud in an interleaved fashion x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1. It has a width of 3*srcWidth and has the same height as the src buffer.
dstStrideStride for output image, i.e. the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to 3*srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t)
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.


FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvDepthFusion8x8x8xNs16 ( const fcvDepthFusionBlockConfig *__restrict  configs,
int16_t *__restrict  volumes,
uint32_t  numBlocks,
uint32_t  volumeStride,
const float32_t *__restrict  depthData,
uint32_t  depthWidth,
uint32_t  depthHeight,
uint32_t  depthStride,
const float32_t *__restrict  cameraCalibration,
int16_t  maxWeight 

Volumetric depth fusion into multiple 8x8x8 blocks.

Fuses a depth map into one or more volume blocks of 8x8x8 samples each. The volume blocks have a size of 9x9x9 samples, but only 8x8x8 samples will be processed, leaving a border of one sample that can be used to create an overlap with neighboring blocks. Each sample consists of two 16-bit values encoding the distance (scaled by the ramp) and the fusion count. The volume block samples must be initialized to (32766, 0) before the first fusion. The samples of the blocks are updated by calculating a running average with respect to depth map samples.

configsSetup details for the fusion blocks. Must contain numBlocks items.
volumesAn array of numBlocks pointers to the raw fusion data. Each block consists of 8x8x8 samples, which each consist of two 16-bit values.
numBlocksNumber of blocks to fuse.
volumeStrideVolume stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a volume and that of the successive volume. If srcStride is equal to 0, it will be set to 2048 (the size of volume).
depthDataPointer to the depth map to fuse into the blocks. Depth data is stored as float in scale of scene units (e.g. meters).
depthWidthWidth of the depth map in pixels
depthHeightHeight of the depth map in pixels
depthStrideStride of the depth map in bytes
cameraCalibrationCamera calibration with 4 parameters: focal-length (x and y) and principal point (x and y) in pixels
maxWeightMaximum weight for the running average. After maxWeight fusions a sample is being updated with a weight of 1/maxWeight. Must be smaller than 128.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, Other status codes upon failure


FASTCV_API void fcvGeom3PointPoseEstimatef32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
float *  pose,
int32_t *  numPoses 

Estimates a 6DOF pose
NOTE: Given the coordinates of three 3D points (in world reference frame), and their corresponding perspective projections in an image, this algorithm determines the position and orientation of the camera in the world reference frame. The function provides up to four solutions that can be disambiguated using a fourth point. When used in conjunction with RANSAC, this function can perform efficient outlier rejection. Two degenerate cases should be avoided when using this function:

  • Indeterminate configuration: When the three points are collinear in space, there will be a family of poses mapping the three points to the same image points.
  • Unstable configuration: The camera center is located on a circular cylinder passing through the three points and the camera optical axis is perpendicular to the plane derived by the three points. With this configuration, a small change in the position of the three points will result in a large change of the estimated pose..
corrs2D-3D correspondence points
posecomputed pose (numPoses * 12 data)
numPoses(max = 4)


FASTCV_API int fcvGeomAffineEvaluatef32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
float *__restrict  affine,
float  maxsqerr,
uint16_t *__restrict  inliers,
int32_t *  numinliers 

Evaluates specified affine transformation against provided points correspondences. Checks which correspondence members have a projection error that is smaller than the given one (maxSquErr).

corrsPointer to correspondences structure.
affineAffine matrix representing relationship between ptTo and ptFrom correspondences stored as 3x3 floating point matrix formatted as
maxsqerrMaximum error value squared.
inliersOutput array for those indices that passed the test - the array MUST be able to store numIndices items.
numinliersOutput number of corrs that passed the test.
0 if successfull -1 if error value square is >= maxsqerr


FASTCV_API void fcvGeomAffineFitf32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
float *__restrict  affine 

Computes affine trans. for a given set of corresponding features points using a linear least square colver based on Cholkesky decomposition.

corrsCorrespondence data struct containing coords of points in two frames
affine3 x 3 affine matrix (computed best fit affine transformation)


FASTCV_API void fcvGeomDistortPoint2x1f32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  cameraCalibration,
const float32_t *__restrict  xyCamera,
float32_t *__restrict  xyDevice 

Applies radial distortion to a 2D coordinate in camera coordinates and returns the distorted coordinate in device coordinates.

input: (x,y) focal length: f1,f2 principle point: p1,p2 radical distortion: k1,k2 tangential distortion: t1,t2 Output (xd,yd) r^2 = x^2+y^2 cdist = 1+k1*r^2 + k2*r^4 a0 = 2*x*y, a1 = 3*x^2 + y^2, a2 = x^2+3*y^2 xd = (x*cdist + t1*a1 + t2*a2)*f1 + p1 yd = (y*cdist + t1*a3 + t2*a1)*f2 + p2

cameraCalibrationCamera calibration with 8 parameter: focal-length (x and y), principal point (x & y), radial distortion (2 parameters), tangential distortion (2 parameters).
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
xyCameraInput of the undistorted 2D camera coordinate (2 float values).
xyDeviceOutput of the distorted 2D device coordinate (2 float values).


FASTCV_API void fcvGeomDistortPoint2xNf32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  cameraCalibration,
const float32_t *__restrict  xyCamera,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  xySize,
float32_t *__restrict  xyDevice,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Applies radial distortion to a set of 2D coordinates in camera coordinates and returns the distorted coordinates in device coordinates. brief algorithm desribed in fcvGeomDistortPoint2x1f32.

cameraCalibrationCamera calibration with 8 parameter: focal-length (x and y), principal point (x & y), radial distortion (2 parameters), tangential distortion (2 parameters).
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
xyCameraInput of the undistorted 2D camera coordinates (Nx2 float values). While allocating, allocate enough memory to accomodate the points (Nx2) keeping in mind the stride of the input points. Total memory allocated must be large enough to accomodate the input+padding, which has size of N*srcStride (in bytes)
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcStrideStride between consecutive input camera coordinates. Stride here is defined as the number of units between consecutive x coordinates. For example, if the input array has points as follows x0 y0 0 0 0 x1 y1 0 0 0 x2 y2 ..., then the stride is 5 * size(float32_t) = 20
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
xySizeNumber of points N
xyDeviceOutput of the distorted 2D device coordinates (Nx2 float values). While allocating, allocate enough memory to accomodate the points (Nx2) keeping in mind the stride of the output points. Total memory allocated must be large enough to accomodate the output+padding, which has size of N*dstStride (in bytes)
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride between consecutive input camera coordinates. Stride here is defined as the number of units between consecutive x coordinates. For example, if the output array has points as follows x0 y0 0 0 0 x1 y1 0 0 0 x2 y2 ..., then the stride is 5 * size(float32_t) = 20
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.


FASTCV_API int fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
float *__restrict  homography,
float  maxsqerr,
uint16_t *__restrict  inliers,
int32_t *  numinliers 

Evaluates specified homography against provided points correspondences. Check which correspondence members have a projection error that is smaller than the given one (maxSquErr).

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32_v2 will be renamed to fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32 and the signature of fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32 as it appears now, will be removed.

corrsPointer to correspondences structure.
homographyHomography representing relationship between ptTo and ptFrom correspondences stored as 3x3 floating point matrix formatted as
maxsqerrMaximum error value squared.
inliersOutput array for those indices that passed the test - the array MUST be able to store numIndices items.
numinliersOutput number of corrs that passed the test.
0 that error is less than maximum error, -1 greater or equal to maximum error.


FASTCV_API int fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32_v2 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
float32_t *__restrict  homography,
float32_t  maxsqerr,
uint16_t *__restrict  inliers,
float32_t *__restrict  errinliers,
int32_t *  numinliers 

Evaluates specified homography against provided points correspondences. Check which correspondence members have a projection error that is smaller than the given one (maxSquErr).

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32, fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvGeomHomographyEvaluatef32 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

corrsPointer to correspondences structure.
homographyHomography representing relationship between ptTo and ptFrom correspondences stored as 3x3 floating point matrix formatted as
maxsqerrMaximum error value squared.
inliersOutput array for those indices that passed the test - the array MUST be able to store numIndices items.
errinliersOutput array for the error of indices of correspondences that passed the test.
numinliersOutput number of corrs that passed the test.
0 that error is less than maximum error, -1 greater or equal to maximum error.


FASTCV_API void fcvGeomHomographyFitf32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
float *__restrict  homography 

Performs cholesky homography fitting on specified points correspondences.

[x_to] [ a11 a12 a13 ] [ x_from ]
[y_to] = [ a21 a22 a23 ] * [ y_from ]
[ 1 ] [ a31 a32 a33 ] [ 1 ]
note that all the correspondences are considered, if correspondence pairs are smaller than 4, the API returns. If correspondence pairs are larger than 4, the API takes all the correspondences into consideration using least squared method.

Output precision is within 3e-3

corrsPointer to correspondences structure.
homography3x3 floating point matrix formatted as


FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvGeomHomographyFitf32_v2 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
float32_t *__restrict  homography,
uint32_t  mode 

Performs homography fitting on specified points correspondences.

[x_to] [ a11 a12 a13 ] [ x_from ]
[y_to] = [ a21 a22 a23 ] * [ y_from ]
[ 1 ] [ a31 a32 a33 ] [ 1 ]
note that all the correspondences are considered, if correspondence pairs are smaller than 4, the API returns. If correspondence pairs are larger than 4, the API takes all the correspondences into consideration using least squared method.

corrsPointer to correspondences structure.
homography3x3 floating point matrix formatted as
modeMode set to 0 for high speed, 1 for high accuracy
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.


FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvGeomHomographyRobustFitf32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corr,
float32_t *__restrict  homography,
float32_t  reprojThreshold 

Performs robust homography fitting on specified points correspondences.

Perform RANSAC-based robust method to estimate the perspective transformation fitting on specified points correspondences.

corrPointer to correspondences structure
homographyHomography stored as 3x3 floating point matrix
reprojThresholdThreshold of reprojection error to treat the feature pair as an inliers


FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvGeomHomographyRobustFitf32_v2 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corr,
float32_t *__restrict  homography,
float32_t  reprojThreshold,
uint32_t  mode 

Performs robust homography fitting on specified points correspondences.

Perform RANSAC-based robust method to estimate the perspective transformation fitting on specified points correspondences.

corrPointer to correspondences structure
homographyHomography stored as 3x3 floating point matrix
reprojThresholdThreshold of reprojection error to treat the feature pair as an inliers
modeMode set to 0 for high speed, 1 for high accuracy
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.


FASTCV_API float fcvGeomPoseEvaluateErrorf32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
const float *__restrict  pose,
float *__restrict  projected,
float *__restrict  reprojErr,
float *__restrict  invz,
float *__restrict  reprojVariance 

Calculate the reprojection error based on the input pose. This function and fcvGeomPoseOptimizef32 can be used iteratively to perform poseRefine (GN or LM)..

corrsPointer to correspondences structure.
posePose representing updated pose correspondences stored as a 3x4 transformation matrix in the form [R|t], where R is a 3x3 rotation matrix and t is the translation vector. The matrix stored in pose is row major ordering:
a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34 where the matrix is:
| a11, a12, a13 , a14|
| a21, a22, a23, a24 |
| a31, a32, a33, a34 |
Pointer storage must be at least a 12-element floating point array.
projected2D position after projection
reprojErr2D reprojection error in camera coordinates (not in pixels!)
invzInverse depth (z)
reprojVarianceReprojection variance in camera coordinates
Reprojection error.


FASTCV_API int fcvGeomPoseEvaluatef32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
const float *  pose,
float  maxSquErr,
uint16_t *__restrict  inliers,
uint32_t *  numInliers 

Checks which members have a projection error that is smaller than the given one.

corrsPointer to correspondences structure.
posePose representing relationship between ptTo and ptFrom correspondences stored as a 3x4 transformation matrix in the form [R|t], where R is a 3x3 rotation matrix and t is the translation vector. The matrix stored in pose is row major ordering:
a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34 where the matrix is:
| a11, a12, a13 , a14|
| a21, a22, a23, a24 |
| a31, a32, a33, a34 |
Pointer storage must be at least a 12-element floating point array.
maxSquErrMaximum error value squared.
inliersOutput array for those indices that passed the test - the array MUST be able to store numIndices items.
numInliersOutput number of corrs that passed the test.
0 that error is less than maximum error, -1 greater or equal to maximum error.


FASTCV_API int fcvGeomPoseOptimizeGNf32 ( const float *__restrict  projected,
const float *__restrict  reprojErr,
const float *__restrict  invz,
const float *__restrict  reprojVariance,
unsigned int  numpts,
float *__restrict  pose 

Update the pose based on the specified points correspondences using Gauss-Newton optimization. This function and fcvGeomPoseEvaluateErrorf32 can be used iteratively to perform poseRefine GN.

projected2D position after projection
reprojErr2D reprojection error in camera coordinates (not in pixels!)
invzInverse depth (z)
reprojVarianceReprojection variance in camera coordinates
numptsNumber of points
posePose representing updated pose correspondences stored as a 3x4 transformation matrix in the form [R|t], where R is a 3x3 rotation matrix and t is the translation vector. The matrix stored in pose is row major ordering:
a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34 where the matrix is:
| a11, a12, a13 , a14|
| a21, a22, a23, a24 |
| a31, a32, a33, a34 |
Pointer storage must be at least a 12-element floating point array.
0 if successfully clustered, otherwise error code


FASTCV_API float fcvGeomPoseRefineGNf32 ( const fcvCorrespondences *__restrict  corrs,
short  minIterations,
short  maxIterations,
float  stopCriteria,
float *  initpose,
float *  refinedpose 

Performs cholesky pose fitting on specified points correspondences. Takes a pose and uses the correspondences to refine it using iterative Gauss-Newton optimization.

corrsPointer to correspondences structure.
minIterationsMinimum number of iterations to refine.
maxIterationsMaximum number of iterations to refine.
stopCriteriaImprovement threshold, iterations stop if improvement is less than this value.
initposePose representing initial pose correspondences stored as a 3x4 transformation matrix in the form [R|t], where R is a 3x3 rotation matrix and t is the translation vector. The matrix stored in pose is row major ordering:
a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34 where the matrix is:
| a11, a12, a13 , a14|
| a21, a22, a23, a24 |
| a31, a32, a33, a34 |
Pointer storage must be at least a 12-element floating point array.
refinedposePose representing refined pose correspondences stored as a 3x4 transformation matrix in the form [R|t], where R is a 3x3 rotation matrix and t is the translation vector. The matrix stored in pose is row major ordering:
a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34 where the matrix is:
| a11, a12, a13 , a14|
| a21, a22, a23, a24 |
| a31, a32, a33, a34 |
Pointer storage must be at least a 12-element floating point array.
Final reprojection error.


FASTCV_API int fcvGeomPoseUpdatef32 ( const float *__restrict  projected,
const float *__restrict  reprojErr,
const float *__restrict  invz,
const float *__restrict  reprojVariance,
unsigned int  numpts,
float *__restrict  pose 

Update and compute the differential pose based on the specified points correspondences This function and fcvGeomPoseOptimizeGNf32 can be used iteratively to perform poseRefine GN.

projected2D position after projection
reprojErr2D reprojection error in camera coordinates (not in pixels!)
invzInverse depth (z)
reprojVarianceReprojection variance in camera coordinates
numptsNumber of points
posePose representing differential pose correspondences stored as a 3x4 transformation matrix in the form [R|t], where R is a 3x3 rotation matrix and t is the translation vector. The matrix stored in pose is row major ordering:
a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34 where the matrix is:
| a11, a12, a13 , a14|
| a21, a22, a23, a24 |
| a31, a32, a33, a34 |
Pointer storage must be at least a 12-element floating point array.
0 if successfully clustered, otherwise error code


FASTCV_API int32_t fcvGeomProjectPoint3x1f32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  pose,
const float32_t *__restrict  cameraCalibration,
const float32_t *__restrict  xyz,
float32_t *__restrict  xyCamera,
float32_t *__restrict  xyDevice 

Transforms a 3D point using a pose-matrix, projects the transformed point, distorts the projected 2D point and converts to device coordinates.

(x_camera, y_camera, z_camera) = Pose * (x,y,z,1)' xCamera = x_camera/z_camera, yCamera = y_camera/z_camera xyDevice = distortion(xyCamera) - described in fcvGeomDistortPoint2x1f32

posePose matrix of size 3x4 (12 float values) in row-major format.
cameraCalibrationCamera calibration with 8 parameter: focal-length (x and y), principal point (x & y), radial distortion (2 parameters), tangential distortion (2 parameters).
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
xyz3D point (x,y,z) as three float values
xyCameraOutput of the projected 2D camera coordinate (2 float values)
xyDeviceOutput of the projected and distorted 2D device coordinate (2 float values)
1 if transformed point lies in front of the camera plane. 0 otherwise


FASTCV_API void fcvGeomProjectPoint3xNf32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  pose,
const float32_t *__restrict  cameraCalibration,
const float32_t *__restrict  xyz,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  xyzSize,
float32_t *__restrict  xyCamera,
float32_t *__restrict  xyDevice,
uint32_t  dstStride,
uint32_t *  inFront 

Transforms a 3D point using a pose-matrix, projects the transformed point, distorts the projected 2D point and converts to device coordinates. brief algorithm desribed in fcvGeomProjectPoint3x1f32.

posePose matrix of size 3x4 (12 float values) in row-major format.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
cameraCalibrationCamera calibration with 8 parameter: focal-length (x and y), principal point (x & y), radial distortion (2 parameters), tangential distortion (2 parameters).
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
xyz3D points (x,y,z) as sets of three float values. While allocating, allocate enough memory to accomodate the points (Nx3) keeping in mind the stride of the input points. Total memory allocated must be large enough to accomodate the input +padding.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcStrideStride between consecutive input camera coordinates. Stride here is defined as the number of units between consecutive x coordinates. For example, if the input array has points as follows x0 y0 z0 0 0 x1 y1 z1 0 0 x2 y2 z2.., then the stride is 5 * size(float32_t) = 20
xyzSizeNumber of points N
xyCameraOutput of the projected 2D camera coordinates (Nx2 float values). While allocating, allocate enough memory to accomodate the points (Nx2) keeping in mind the stride of the output points. Total memory allocated must be large enough to accomodate the output+padding.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
xyDeviceOutput of the projected and distorted 2D device coordinates. (Nx2 float values). While allocating, allocate enough memory to accomodate the points (Nx2) keeping in mind the stride of the output points. Total memory allocated must be large enough to accomodate the output+padding.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride between consecutive input camera coordinates. Stride here is defined as the number of units between consecutive x coordinates. For example, if the output array has points as follows x0 y0 0 0 0 x1 y1 0 0 0 x2 y2 ..., then the stride is 5 * size(float32_t) = 20
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
inFrontIs 1 if transformed point lies in front of the camera plane and 0 otherwise It must be allocated as a Nx1 vector.


FASTCV_API void fcvGeomUndistortPoint2x1f32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  cameraCalibration,
const float32_t *__restrict  xyDevice,
float32_t *__restrict  xyCamera 

Applies radial undistortion to a 2D coordinate in device coordinates and returns the undistorted coordinate in camera coordinates.

cameraCalibrationCamera calibration with 8 parameter: Inverse focal-length (x and y), principal point (x & y), radial distortion (2 parameters), tangential distortion (2 parameters).
NOTE: The first two entries of this parameter for this function are the Inverse of the focal length and not the focal length itself.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
xyDeviceInput of the distorted 2D device coordinate (2 float values).
xyCameraOutput of the undistorted 2D camera coordinate (2 float values).


FASTCV_API void fcvGeomUndistortPoint2xNf32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  cameraCalibration,
const float32_t *__restrict  xyDevice,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  xySize,
float32_t *__restrict  xyCamera,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Applies radial undistortion to a 2D coordinate in device coordinates and returns the undistorted coordinate in camera coordinates. brief algorithm desribed in fcvGeomUndistortPoint2x1f32.

cameraCalibrationCamera calibration with 8 parameter: inverse focal-length (x and y), principal point (x & y), radial distortion (2 parameters), tangential distortion (2 parameters).
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
xyDeviceInput of the distorted 2D device coordinates (Nx2 float values). While allocating, allocate enough memory to accomodate the points (Nx2) keeping in mind the stride of the input points. Total memory allocated must be large enough to accomodate the input+padding, which has size of N*srcStride (in bytes)
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcStrideStride between consecutive input camera coordinates. Stride here is defined as the number of units between consecutive x coordinates. For example, if the input array has points as follows x0 y0 0 0 0 x1 y1 0 0 0 x2 y2 ..., then the stride is 5 * size(float32_t) = 20
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
xySizeNumber of points N
xyCameraOutput of the undistorted 2D camera coordinates (Nx2 float values). While allocating, allocate enough memory to accomodate the points (Nx2) keeping in mind the stride of the output points. Total memory allocated must be large enough to accomodate the output+padding, which has size of N*dstStride (in bytes)
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride between consecutive input camera coordinates. Stride here is defined as the number of units between consecutive x coordinates. For example, if the output array has points as follows x0 y0 0 0 0 x1 y1 0 0 0 x2 y2 ..., then the stride is 5 * size(float32_t) = 20
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.


FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvICPJacobianErrorSE3f32 ( const uint16_t *__restrict  depthData,
uint32_t  depthWidth,
uint32_t  depthHeight,
uint32_t  depthStride,
const float32_t *__restrict  refPointsNormals,
uint32_t  numPoints,
const float32_t *__restrict  refPose,
const float32_t *__restrict  camera,
float32_t  sqDistThreshold,
float32_t *__restrict  sqDists,
float32_t *__restrict  errors,
float32_t *__restrict  jacobian 

Compute Point-to-Plane ICP Jacobian matrix and errors for SE3 motion.

This function computes the Jacobian matrix and errors for point-to-plane ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm given reference 3D points and normal vectors and a depth map.

depthDataPointer to the depth map. Depth data is stored as unsigned short scaled by 1000x with respect to scene units (e.g. millimeters vs meters).
depthWidthWidth of the depth map
depthHeightHeight of the depth map
depthStrideNumber of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left as 0 depthMapStride is set to default: depthMapWidth * sizeof(uint16_t).
refPointsNormalsReference 3D points and 3D normal vectors of total N (numPoints) points (x1,y1,z1,nx1,ny1,nz1, x2,y2,z2,nx2,ny2,nz2, ..., xN,yN,zN,nxN,nyN,nzN)
numPointsNumber of reference points and normals
refPoseReference pose stored in 3 x 4 matrix
cameraCamera calibration parameters (fx, fy, cx, cy, 1/fx, 1/fy)
sqDistThresholdSquared distance threshold for filtering out outliers
sqDistsOutput squared distances. Memory should be allocated beforehand (numPoints x sizeof(float32_t)).
errorsOutput errors. Memory should be allocated beforehand (numPoints x sizeof(float32_t)).
jacobianOutput Jacobian matrix. Memory should be allocated beforehand (numPoints x 6 x sizeof(float32_t)).
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, Other status codes upon failure


FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvInvertAffineTransformf32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  M,
float32_t *__restrict  invAffineMat 

Invert an affine transformation.

Invert an affine transformation which is commonly used to transform back

MInput 3x3 affine transformation matrix
invAffineMatOutput 3x3 reverse affine transformation


FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvRegisterDepthImagef32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
const float32_t *__restrict  Kdinv,
const float32_t *__restrict  Kc,
const float32_t *__restrict  Rd2c,
const float32_t *__restrict  Td2c,
float32_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Registers an input Depth Image with an input Color Image.

srcPointer to the input depth image
srcWidthThe width of the input depth image.
srcHeightThe height of the input depth image
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t).
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
KdinvKdinv is an array of 9 elements representing the inverse of the 3x3 depth camera matrix arranged row wise.
KcKc is an array of 9 elements which represents the 3x3 color camera intrinsic parameters arranged row wise
Rd2cRd2c is an array of 9 element which represents the 3D Rotation (3x3) matrix from the Depth Camera to the Color Camera arranged row wise
Td2cTd2c is an array of 3 element which represents the transform parameter from the Depth Camera to the Color Camera.
dstOutput matrix which has the same width, length and channel number as src
dstStrideStride for output image, i.e. the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t)
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.


FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvUndistortDisparityConvertDepthf32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  mask,
uint32_t  maskStride,
const float32_t *__restrict  pixelDistortion,
uint32_t  pixelDistortionStride,
uint32_t  convertDepth,
const float32_t *__restrict  imageDistortion,
const float32_t *__restrict  depthParam,
float32_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Undistort a disparity image and optionally convert the undistorted disparity image into a depth image.

srcPointer to the disparity input image
srcWidthWidth of the disparity input image in pixel. The number of pixels in a row.
srcHeightHeight of the disparity input image in pixel.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t)
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
maskPointer to the returned foreground mask image. It's a 1-channel image, same width and height as src. If an entry set to 1, there will be a valid undistorted dispartity or depth value. If an entry set to 0, there will be no valid undistorted dispartity or depth value.
maskStrideStride of the foreground mask image. It's the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 MaskStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
pixelDistortionPointer to the pixel distortion value for each pixel in the image. It has the same dimensions as the input image src.
pixelDistortionStrideStride of pixel distortion value for each pixel in the image. It's the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 pixelDistortionStride is default to srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
convertDepthThis parameter is a flag to enable or disable the conversion of disparity to depth. If set to 1, then the undistorted disparity values will be converted to depth and returned in the dst buffer. If set to 0, then the undistorted disparity will be returned in the dst buffer.
imageDistortionImageDistortion contains two elements. The First part contains the spatial distortion pattern, and the second part contains the decay of the distortion effect.
depthParamParameters used to transform disparity to depth values. The equation is undistortedDepthValue = 1 / (undistortedDisparityValue * depthParam[0] + depthParam[1])
dstOutput matrix which has the same width, length and channel number as src. The buffer contains undistorted disparity values if convertDepth is set to 0 and contains the undistorted depth values if convertDepth is set to 1
dstStrideStride for output image, i.e. the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t)
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.


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