Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification
Base64 encoding/decoding API

API Reference

This module implements encoding binary data into base64-encoded string, which contains only the characters that belong to the base64 alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=

This allows to convert the binary data into a form that is suitable for serialization into a text file (without conflicting with special characters and markup elements), and for sending through the channels that do not support arbitrary binary data.

Encoded data is about 33% larger in size than the original binary data. Padding characters '=' are added to the end of the encoded string, to make the string length multiple of 4.

The following sample performs base64 encoding and decoding:

void Base64EncodeDecodeExample
// allocate 4-byte array and fill it with some data
uint8_t binBuf[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
// use macro to calculate the encoded size, add 1 byte for terminating 0
char encodedBuf[LE_BASE64_ENCODED_SIZE(sizeof(binBuf)) + 1];
uint8_t decodedBuf[4] = {0};
// perform encoding
size_t len = sizeof(encodedBuf);
le_result_t result = le_base64_Encode(binBuf,
if (LE_OK != result)
LE_ERROR("Error %d encoding data!", result);
LE_INFO("Encoded string [%s] size %zd", encodedBuf, len);
// perform decoding
len = sizeof(decodedBuf);
result = le_base64_Decode(encodedBuf,
if (LE_OK != result)
LE_ERROR("Error %d decoding data!", result);
LE_INFO("Decoded length: %zd", len);
LE_INFO("Decoded data: %u %u %u %u",
decodedBuf[0], decodedBuf[1],
decodedBuf[2], decodedBuf[3]);

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