Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification
Core Daemons APIs

The Core Daemon Services provide full-featured interface access to configure and control services and Apps:

Daemon API Guide API Reference File Name Description
configTree Config Tree API le_cfg_interface.h le_cfg.api Functions to read and write data into the App's Tree
configTree Config Tree Admin API le_cfgAdmin_interface.h le_cfgAdmin.api Tools to facilitate the administration of App's Trees
supervisor App Control API le_appCtrl_interface.h le_appCtrl.api Control TelAF apps
supervisor Application Information API le_appInfo_interface.h le_appInfo.api TelAF app info retrieval
supervisor Framework Control API le_framework_interface.h le_framework.api Control the TelAF framework
supervisor Linux Kernel Module API le_kernelModule_interface.h le_kernelModule.api Module load and unload
update Update API le_update_interface.h le_update.api Control the update daemon on the target
update Update Control API le_updateCtrl_interface.h le_updateCtrl.api Tools to facilitate the administration of the update daemon
update Install Status API le_instStat_interface.h le_instStat.api Notifications when apps are installed and uninstalled
watchdog Watchdog Service le_wdog_interface.h le_wdog.api Monitor critical applications and services for deadlocks and other similar faults