Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification
Health Monitor Service

API Reference

Components need access to the TelAF Health Monitor to get information about CPU usage and RAM usage.

IPC interfaces binding

The functions of this API are provided by the tafHMSSvc application service.

The following example illustrates how to bind to TelAF Health Monitor services.

*  bindings:
*  {
*      clientExe.clientComponent.taf_hms -> tafHMSvc.taf_hms
*  }

Get the total CPU usage

The API of taf_hms_GetCpuLoad() provides the current total CPU usage in percentage.

*  le_result_t result;
*  double cpuLoadValue;
*  result = taf_hms_GetCpuLoad(&cpuLoadValue);
*  if(result == LE_OK)
*  {
*      LE_INFO("CPU Load Idle Percentage: %.2f%%\n",cpuLoadValue);
*  }
*  else
*  {
*      LE_INFO("Failed ! to get CPU Load information");
*  }

Get the total number of CPU core

The API of taf_hms_GetCpuCoreNum() provides the total number of CPU core.

*  uint32_t cpuCoreNum = taf_hms_GetCpuCoreNum(&cpuCoreNum);

Get the individual CPU core usage

The API of taf_hms_GetIndvCoreUsage() provides the total CPU usage of individual core.

*  le_result_t result;
*  uint32_t core_id = 0;
*  result = taf_hms_GetIndvCoreUsage(core_id, &cpuUsage);
*  if (result == LE_OK)
*  {
*    LE_INFO("CPU Usage for core %d %d\n", core_id, cpuUsage);
*  }

Get the memory information

The API of taf_hms_GetRamMemInfo() provides the current RAM in total, used and free memory information.

*  le_result_t result;
*  uint32_t ramTotalMem, ramUsedMem, ramFreeMem;
*  result = taf_hms_GetRamMemInfo( &ramTotalMem, &ramUsedMem, &ramFreeMem);
*  if(result == LE_OK)
*  {
*      LE_INFO(" Total Memory: %d kB\n", ramTotalMem);
*      LE_INFO(" Used Memory: %d kB\n", ramUsedMem);
*      LE_INFO(" Free Memory: %d kB\n", ramFreeMem);
*  }
*  else
*  {
*      LE_INFO("Failed ! to get RAM information");
*  }

Get the UBI device information

The following APIs are provided for UBI device information taf_hms_GetUbiDevInfoList() Gets the list of available UBI device information. taf_hms_DeleteUbiDevInfoList() Deletes the UBI list reference. taf_hms_GetFirstUbiDevInfo() Gets the first UBI device Info object reference in the list. taf_hms_GetNextUbiDevInfo() Gets the next UBI device Info object reference in the list. taf_hms_GetUbiDevMaxEraseCnt() Gets UBI information for current maximum erase count. taf_hms_GetUbiDevBadBlkCnt() Gets UBI information for bad block count. taf_hms_GetUbiDevId() Gets UBI device ID.

   taf_hms_UbiDevInfoListRef_t ubiDevListRef = taf_hms_GetUbiDevInfoList();
   taf_hms_UbiDevInfoRef_t UbiDevInfo = taf_hms_GetFirstUbiDevInfo(ubiDevListRef);
   uint32_t ubiDeviceListSize;
   result = taf_hms_GetUbiDevInfoListSize(ubiDevListRef, &ubiDeviceListSize);
   while (UbiDevInfo != NULL and ubiDeviceListSize--)
       uint32_t ubiEraseCount;
       result = taf_hms_GetUbiDevEc(UbiDevInfo, &ubiEraseCount);

       uint32_t ubiBadblock;
       result = taf_hms_GetUbiDevBbc(UbiDevInfo, &ubiBadblock);

       if (ubiDeviceListSize > 0) {
           UbiDevInfo = taf_hms_GetNextUbiDevInfo(ubiDevListRef);

Get the UBI volume information

The following APIs are provided for UBI volume information taf_hms_GetFirstUbiVolInfo() Gets the first UBI volume Info object reference in the list. taf_hms_GetNextUbiVolInfo() Gets the next UBI volume Info object reference in the list. taf_hms_GetUbiVolName() Gets name of UBI volume. taf_hms_GetUbiVolSize() Gets size of UBI volume. taf_hms_GetUbiVolId() Gets UBI volume ID.

*  taf_hms_UbiVolInfoListRef_t ubiVolListRef = taf_hms_GetUbiVolInfoList();
*    taf_hms_UbiVolInfoRef_t UbiVolInfo = taf_hms_GetFirstUbiVolInfo(ubiVolListRef);
*    uint32_t ubiVolumeListSize;
*    result = taf_hms_GetUbiVolInfoListSize(ubiVolListRef, &ubiVolumeListSize);
*    while (UbiVolInfo != NULL and ubiVolumeListSize--)
*    {
*        char ubiVolName[NAME_SIZE];
*        memset(ubiVolName, 0, NAME_SIZE);
*        taf_hms_GetUbiVolName(UbiVolInfo, ubiVolName, sizeof(ubiVolName));
*        uint32_t ubiVolSize;
*        result = taf_hms_GetUbiVolSize(UbiVolInfo, &ubiVolSize);
*        if (ubiVolumeListSize > 0) {
*            UbiVolInfo = taf_hms_GetNextUbiVolInfo(ubiVolListRef);
*        }
*    }

Get the MTD device information

The following APIs are provided for MTD device information taf_hms_GetMtdInfoList() Gets the list of available MTD information. taf_hms_DeleteMtdInfoList() Deletes the MTD list reference. taf_hms_GetFirstMtdInfo() Gets the first MtdInfo object reference in the list. taf_hms_GetNextMtdInfo() Gets the next MtdInfo object reference in the list. taf_hms_GetMtdDevName() Gets MTD device name. taf_hms_GetMtdDevBlkSize() Gets MTD information for block size. taf_hms_GetMtdDevId() Gets MTD device ID. taf_hms_GetMtdDevBlkCnt() Gets MTD block count.

*    taf_hms_MtdInfoListRef_t mtdListRef = taf_hms_GetMtdInfoList();
*    taf_hms_MtdInfoRef_t MtdInfo = taf_hms_GetFirstMtdInfo(mtdListRef);
*    uint32_t mtdDevListSize;
*    result = taf_hms_GetMtdInfoListSize(mtdListRef, &mtdDevListSize);
*    while (MtdInfo != NULL and mtdDevListSize--)
*    {
*        char MtdDevName[NAME_SIZE];
*        memset(MtdDevName, 0, NAME_SIZE);
*        taf_hms_GetMtdDevName(MtdInfo, MtdDevName, sizeof(MtdDevName));
*        if (mtdDevListSize > 0) {
*            MtdInfo = taf_hms_GetNextMtdInfo(mtdListRef);
*        }
*    }