Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification
Data Call Service

API Reference

The Data Call service API is used for applications to manage data calls and data profiles. It provides APIs over a mobile network.

IPC interfaces binding

All functions of this API are provided by the tafDataCallSvc application service.

The following example illustrates how to bind to the data call service.

    clientExe.clientComponent.taf_dcs -> tafDataCallSvc.taf_dcs

Starting a data call

A synchronous data call can be started using taf_dcs_StartSession() with the profile reference passed as parameters.

result = taf_dcs_StartSession(profileReference);
if (result != LE_OK)
   LE_ERROR("Fail to start data call.");
   return result;

An asynchronous data call can be started using taf_dcs_StartSessionAsync() with the profile reference passed as parameters.

result = taf_dcs_StartSessionAsync(profileReference);
if (result != LE_OK)
   LE_ERROR("Fail to start data call.");
   return result;

Before starting a data call, an application registers a state handler using taf_dcs_AddSessionStateHandler(). Once the data call state changes the handler will be called indicating the new state.

sessionStateRef = taf_dcs_AddSessionStateHandler(profileReference,
                 (taf_dcs_SessionStateHandlerFunc_t)data_event_handler, NULL);

An application can stop a synchronous data call by using taf_dcs_StopSession() and stop an asynchronous data call by using taf_dcs_StopSessionAsync().

When an application starts a data call using taf_dcs_StartSession() or taf_dcs_StartSessionAsync() and the application loses the connection with the data call service, the data call will be automatically stopped by the data call service.

Roaming status

Data call service provides the APIs to get the roaming status and register the handler to track the roaming status change. Once the roaming status changes, the application registered handler is called with the new roaming status.

roamingStatusHandlerRef = taf_dcs_AddRoamingStatusHandler(
                        (taf_dcs_RoamingStatusHandlerFunc_t)RoamingStatusHandlerFunc, NULL);

To remove the handler, an application can use taf_dcs_RemoveRoamingStatusHandler(roamingStatusHandlerRef);.

The following APIs are added for roaming status and APN types:

Phone ID support.

Data call service provides API to support phone ID for DSSA/DSDA mode. The application can use phone ID for these APIs.

profileReference = GetProfileEx(phoneId, profileId);

The following APIs are added for supporting phone ID.