Forums - DSP monitoring in Snapdragon 855

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DSP monitoring in Snapdragon 855
Join Date: 25 Nov 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2020-02-18 02:36


 I would like to monitor DSP utilization on phone Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro (Snapdragon 855), but DSP profiling cannot be start.

I see this:

 SDPCore: NPUDataProvider: SetDSPDataPluginState from 0 to 0
 SDPCore: pluginDSP: Finished a DSP capture.
 SDPCore: pluginDSP: Error starting profiling (29)
 SDPCore: NPUDataProvider: Failed to enable DSP profiling. No DSP metrics will be available.
 SDPCore: NPUDataProvider: Shutting down...

and this:

I SDP     : SDPCore: ADSPDataProvider: DSP - Application subsystem found.
W /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/pluginNPU: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file fastrpc_shell_3. (Permission denied)
W /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/pluginNPU: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file (Permission denied)
W /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/pluginNPU: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file (Permission denied)
W /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/pluginDSP-Compute: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file fastrpc_shell_3. (Permission denied)
W /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/pluginDSP-Compute: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file (Permission denied)
W /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/pluginDSP-Compute: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file (Permission denied)
I SDP     : SDPCore: ADSPDataProvider: SetDSPDataPluginState from 0 to 0
W SDP     : SDPCore: ADSPDataProvider: Failed to enable DSP profiling. No DSP metrics will be available.
I SDP     : SDPCore: ADSPDataProvider: Shutting down...
I /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/pluginDSP-Application: remote_handle64_open: Successfully opened handle 0xeb41f700 for '":;./\attachuserpd&_dom=adsp on domain 0
E /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/pluginDSP-Application: Error 0xffffffff: remote_handle64_open failed for file:///

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