Forums - SnapShot result: FBO0

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SnapShot result: FBO0
Join Date: 8 Sep 14
Posts: 13
Posted: Wed, 2018-11-21 03:53

It seems that snapdragon profiler shows the final window surface (GL's frambuffer number 0)'s content only,

Is there any way that I can see other FBOs' image attachment? (I searched forum and found nothing) If not , can it be requested as new feature?

Because a lot of apps uses FBOs and only blit fbo image to default window surface. it'll be much better to check specific FBO result.

Yes, I can view the FBO's attachment texture (resource view), but it's only final result, it's a pity that it can not update steps after I click each draw call.


thanks  to the SP  tream.


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