Forums - My Pixel XL cannot view how many CPU Insturction info.

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My Pixel XL cannot view how many CPU Insturction info.
Join Date: 1 Jul 18
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2018-07-04 08:13
My Pixel XL cannot view how many CPU Insturction info.
But, my nexus 5X can do that.
Thus, each device is rooted, but does same thing...
Could I see that, the PixelXL's SnapdragonProfile tmp folder has "simpleperf".
Actually, Nexus 5X and Pixel XL have folder architectures are same....
How can I see #of CPU Insturction with SnapdragonProfiler with Pixel XL?
Now my Pixel Xl is rooted and I was Setting the adb and simpleperf location in SnapdragonProfiler setting.(Simpleperf location is android/arm64/... right? or I must set to windows python helper location?, Yep, My OS is windows.)
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eshaw Moderator
Join Date: 12 May 16
Location: San Diego
Posts: 142
Posted: Thu, 2018-07-05 15:32

The CPU Instructions metric should be available on a Pixel XL as long as it is rooted. Simpleperf is not needed for that data, so the Simpleperf configuration is not relevant in this instance. Do you see other CPU metrics such as CPU Cache Misses, CPU Cycles, CPU Page Faults?



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Join Date: 1 Jul 18
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2018-07-11 16:06
Thanks to your information.
I was solve this problem with AOSP... and, when I wasn't set simpleperf location with other computer, I cannot saw cpu informations (your metrics too), but when set the right location of "simpleperf" I could see these.
Exactly, I didnot know why it was working with AOSP (And why didnot work without that...). Only my (ofcourse, it from my senior engineer) think is maybe it will be from "selinux".
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