Forums - How to add more sensors?

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How to add more sensors?
Join Date: 27 May 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2018-05-30 08:08

First of all: great tool, please continue to further improve it!

(How) can I add more sensors to monitor, especially differnet temperature sensors or thermal zones?

I currently want to learn more about the thermal behavior of devices and their Qualcomm chipsets, therefore I'd need to log more than just one temperature sensor.

Best Regards,

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Carlos Dominguez Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jul 15
Location: San Diego
Posts: 110
Posted: Thu, 2018-05-31 11:19


Thanks for the comments, Snapdragon Profiler is a constantly evolving tool and we hope we can add as many features to help you developers on your porifling and optimizing efforts. 

You may want to look at the reply I gave to this other post:

With Trace user markers you could basically create your own executable that gathers sensor data from whatever source you have and use it to display into Snapdragon Profiler. As mentioned in the other post, writing directly to /d/tracing/trace_marker will allow you to add counter data which would fit your usecase of temperature values over time. The only caveat is that this data will only show in a Trace capture with specified start/stop times. We currently don't support user markes on Realtime.

Hope this helps!


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