Forums - Custom trace markers in SnapdraonProfiler

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Custom trace markers in SnapdraonProfiler
Join Date: 20 Jun 11
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2018-05-15 07:28


I would like to add custom trace markers into SnapdragonProfiler, so I can match the render stages in the trace to my code

* I tried using the glPushDebugGroup/glPopDebugGroup, but it seem to have no effect (I cannot see anywhere the labels I sent)

* I tried using the SDP_Markers.h library, but I cannot see the markers. When I select my processec, I cannot see the "Markers" category (as it was mentioned in the docs)

* I tried using the <android/trace.h> functionality, but again I cannot see the markers (I guess SnapdragonProfiler has a hardcoded list of trace categories, and the application specific is not one of them, since I enabled every category, yet I cannot see the markers)

What is the best approach to add custom markers?

Thank you in advance!

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Carlos Dominguez Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jul 15
Location: San Diego
Posts: 110
Posted: Thu, 2018-05-31 10:31


Native Tracing API <android/trace.h> will be supported on the next profiler release. In the meantime you can accomplish similar results writing directly into the trace buffer through /d/tracing/trace_marker. I'd recomment looking at documentation on the tracing_mark_write trace markers format which supports more than what you can get out of android/trace.h at the moment (async markers + counters). If you instrument your app writing directly to the trace buffer as mentioned above you won't need to enable any specific metric in Snapdragon Profiler and you can use any Trace metric(i.e. CPU Scheduling) to trigger a capture and your marker data should appear on UI. Sorry for the delayed response!


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