Forums - Understand how long does a drawcall take

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Understand how long does a drawcall take
Join Date: 21 Sep 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2017-09-28 02:46


I'm trying to use Snapdragon profiler with UE4.16 and google Pixel, but I'm having a hard time understanding how to take out how long does it takes to render a drawcall on the GPU.

When making a snapshop with "GPU Generals->Clocks", I do get a "Clocks" colums with some numbers in it, but I don't know how to convert them in ms.

Do you know how to do it?



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Carlos Dominguez Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jul 15
Location: San Diego
Posts: 110
Posted: Wed, 2017-10-04 09:14

Converting clocks into ms is not as straight forward as it may sound. There's a bit of a Heisenberg uncertainty principle as the GPU is constantly switching frequencies and there's no exact way to correlate them with the exact instant that the drawcall was performed. One alternative that is a compromise but maybe can suffice your needs is to use an override within Snapdragon Profiler that disables this scaling which will effectively max out the GPU clock all the time (This override is located in Options->Process->GL Realtime Overrides->EnableGPUDCVSandNAP). With a fixed GPU clock rate you should be able to manually calculate time from clocks.

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Join Date: 16 Nov 21
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Posted: Wed, 2023-07-26 04:53

 have a multi-core GPU mobile phone, I want to know whether the clocks are the average clock consumption of all GPU cores or the clock consumption of a single GPU core with longer processing time."

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Join Date: 9 Dec 13
Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 2023-08-03 00:54

Dear customer

When capture trace, do you enable the RenderStage trace?
If you enabled RenderStage trace, you can see one row in trace to show each surface render time in details.

Bob Du

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