Forums - It takes a lot of time to see one drawcall

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It takes a lot of time to see one drawcall
Join Date: 27 Oct 16
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2017-07-06 21:06

i use snapdragon profiler get a snapshot capture, and i want to see every draw call cost time. when i double click the draw call list, it takes a lot of time to show it, even take 1min, is there any way to make it fast?

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Join Date: 12 May 16
Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 2017-07-07 08:11

There's no way to make it run "fast".... but there are some ways to improve the speed if you don't mind some reduced functionality.

In the "Options" window, select "System" in the combo-box to the left, and "GL General Options" in the combo-box to the right.  The following settings can be toggled which will improve replay speed:

DepthStencil Screenshot -> False

Full Screenshot -> False

Highlight Screenshot -> False

These will hopefully help, as yes, waiting up to a minute for a replay is a bit tedious!  We are looking into ways to improve this further, as especially with highly complex scenes with lots of buffer/texture data, the replay speed hurts.



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Join Date: 27 Oct 16
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2017-07-08 00:15
thank you for reply!
i try to set the setting, but can not improve replay speed, it still very long time to replay a drawcall.......
im a mobile game developer, we have more then 200 drawcall in game, and total texture num about 400, when i use Adreno Profiler, it fast then Snapdragon Profiler to see drawcalls, but use the new phone with Snapdragon 820, it can not to see the drawcall clocks.
Snapdragon Profiler is a very useful tools, hope it can improve replay drawcall .
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