Forums - How to calculate FLOPS of Snapdragon CPU

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How to calculate FLOPS of Snapdragon CPU
Join Date: 9 Mar 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2017-03-09 21:39

Hi everyone,

I am sorry that i don't quite know where this question actually belongs, but i guess may be i would get help from here.

My question is how to calculate theoretical Snapdragon CPU FLOPS. I actually know the formulae for peak theoretical performance:

Node performance in GFlops = (CPU speed in GHz) x (number of CPU cores) x (CPU instruction per cycle) x (number of CPUs per node)

CPU Speed and CPU cores are easy. but how can i know the cpu operations per cycle? For example, my qualcomm processor specs are as following:

CPU Clock Speed Up to 1.2 GHz CPU Cores:Quad-core CPU /4x ARM Cortex A7 CPU Bit Architecture:32-bit. Can someone please help me with this. I'd be very grateful!

Best Regards,



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