Forums - exporting trace data.

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exporting trace data.
Join Date: 14 Nov 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2016-11-16 18:25


I've downloaded and generated the new trace data.
It looks like I am unable to save the trace data; however, I found "export trace data to .csv file" in Data Explorer.

I clicked the button, but it doesn't seem to work nor I was able to find the .csv file in C:\ either.
I checked the user-guide, but didn't find anything about this "exporting trace data to .csv file" feature.

Can you please guide how this "exporting" works?

Thank you.


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eshaw Moderator
Join Date: 12 May 16
Location: San Diego
Posts: 142
Posted: Mon, 2016-11-21 11:25

Hi Chris,

The export function in the Data Explorer window only exports the data displayed in that window. In most cases trace captures do not populate that window with any data, so there is nothing to export. In general the Data Explorer is most often used with the Snapshot functionality in Snapdragon Profiler.



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