Forums - Can Snapdragon Profiler capture the application uses OpenGL ES 2.x ?

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Can Snapdragon Profiler capture the application uses OpenGL ES 2.x ?
Join Date: 9 Mar 13
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2016-07-27 03:38


Can we use the Snapdragon Profiler to capture and view GPU metrix with Open GL ES 2.x ? Currently Adreno Profiler is not maintain and usually crash to capture on Application.




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Join Date: 12 May 16
Posts: 29
Posted: Wed, 2016-07-27 08:12

Yes, OpenGLES 2.x applications should be supported by Snapdragon Profiler provided the device itself is supported.


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Join Date: 9 Mar 13
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2016-08-11 16:50

Hello Ben,

Thank you for your reponse. I find out we can capture with snapdragon >= 805.


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Join Date: 20 Sep 12
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Posted: Tue, 2016-08-23 07:19

The Snapdragon Profiler in its current iteration is utterly useless and I say this because Qualcomm in now forcing users to have the latest and greatest in order to use this tool. The previous Adreno Profiler ( I forget the name ), was able to capture frames from OpenGL ES, heck you could even hotload shader and get a few GPU metrics. It had is problem, but overall it was more useful imo than this current tool. Why should I need a to have a specific SOC just to do a snapshot and analyze a simple frame from OpenGL ES. If the older version was able to do it, what is preventing this version from doing the same ? I'm slowly losing faith in Qualcomm and their SOCs, granted I'm only 1 person, but suffice it to say, apart from the devices I currently have, I'll never buy another devices with a Snapdragon SOC.

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khawkins Moderator
Join Date: 29 Nov 12
Location: San Diego, CA
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Posted: Tue, 2016-08-23 09:40


For GPU debugging on older devices we still recommend you use Adreno Profiler. It will continue to work with these devices for GPU features. However, if you're working with newer devices we recommend Snapdragon Profiler.



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