Forums - Snapdragon Profiler 1.4 unable to connect to device

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Snapdragon Profiler 1.4 unable to connect to device
Join Date: 25 Feb 16
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2016-03-28 08:23

Software: Snapdragon Profiler, Version:

Operating system: Mac OS, Version 10.11.3

Mono Version: 4.2.1

Description: whether connected to 820 development board with adb or not connected to 820 board, SnapDragon Profiler is unable to connect to the USB device.

USB debugging is enabled.

SnapDragon Profiler sees device as "MSM8996 for arm64" at; pressing connect button and waiting for long time does not yield green check.

adb devices sees the 820 board.

Can connect to the board via "adb shell".

Question: what are the steps necessary to succesfully connect to the 820 development board?

Other info: Snapdragon Profiler can only see the 820 dev board if started up Snapdragon Profiler via "open /Applications/" in

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Join Date: 25 Feb 16
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2016-04-05 10:36

I can now connect to the 820 board, but the application crashes after collecting OpenCL metrics, so now I have a different problem.

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