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No process options
Join Date: 18 Sep 15
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2015-11-12 13:13


Very powerful tool here, but it doesnt seem to want to play with my Samsung Galaxy S5 (SMG900V) which i'm pretty sure is snapdragon 801 with adreno 330

I can connect no problem, but neither realtime nor trace will show me options for the process when I select my process from the list. 

This is a Unity project and has Unity "development build" and "connect with profiler" enabled. I don't know if those interfere or not.

Would lke to use this tool to verify Unity's profiler data for cpu and also get gpu profiling data (unity profiler does not provide gpu data).



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Join Date: 18 Sep 15
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2015-11-12 13:37

i don't get process options for any running process, so i'm guessing the answer is going to be "not supported"? that's a can i use this tool to measure frame time? cpu time? gpu time? determine if i'm gpu bound or cpu bound? without any process options I've got a very lovely animated colorful screen of graphs that I really can't decipher...if my cpu utilization is 20-40% and my gpu is 18-35% what does that tell me?

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