Forums - MSDC 4.3 not found?

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MSDC 4.3 not found?
Join Date: 5 Nov 14
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2020-06-17 03:14


I have rooted pixel (OS 8.1 Oreo) onto which I have recently installed the latest MSDC and test app, version 4.3.

I get the following errors:

06-17 11:03:28.619  2788  2821 I MSDC_API_MSDCConnectionRootHelper: connectRootService: 84: setBindingAppInfo appId: 10157com.qualcomm.msdc_ui-559385708
06-17 11:03:28.620  2788  2821 I MSDC_API_MSDCConnectionRootHelper: connectRootService: 89: Binding to RootService: intent = Intent { act=com.qualcomm.ltebc.aidl.ILTERootService pkg=com.qualcomm.ltebc }
06-17 11:03:28.620  2788  2821 I MSDC_API_MSDCConnectionRootHelper: connectRootService: 97: bind auto create as android version is 26 or above
06-17 11:03:28.626  1024  1526 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.qualcomm.ltebc.aidl.ILTERootService pkg=com.qualcomm.ltebc } U=0: not found
06-17 11:03:28.631  2788  2821 I MSDC_API_MSDCConnectionRootHelper: connectRootService: 104: Binding to RootService result : false

But the package is installed:

pm list packages | grep ltebc

I followed the instructions are per LTE Broadcast Middleware Installation Guide Release 4.3. Any clue what can be wrong?

Best Regards,


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Join Date: 29 Jan 20
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2022-11-16 10:53

Dear ,


Seems you are an OEM , if yes, pls redirect question to qc customer support portal



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