Forums - debugging eMBMS

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debugging eMBMS
Join Date: 5 Nov 14
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2018-03-28 06:59


I've got a rooted Google Pixel onto which I've installed the eMBMS middleware MSDC 4.2, the configs for our test network and the MSDC_UI as test app. Unfortunately the UI doesn't show any services when the network is broadcasting.

The network is broadcasting eMBMS which I can receive on another device with another vendor middleware and testapp. So network side I guess it's all OK.

The Google pixel runs Android 8.1, I am unclear if that could be an issue, as the documentation mentions older releases? Could you clarify if Android 8.1 will work?

Concerning logs very little is produced in the Android log (adb logcat). Is there any way to increase the log level or are the specific logfiles stored on the system? The documentation mentions debug_params.xml but no example/explanation is given on how to format this file. The documentation mentions loglevels.xml for none-rooted phones (and my phone is rooted), also here no explanation how to use this.

How can I get more logs / debug information from the system (embms middleware and perhaps UI)?

Best Regards,

Menno Bot


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AnkitK Moderator
Join Date: 20 Aug 14
Posts: 61
Posted: Wed, 2018-03-28 10:56

Dear Customer,

 Please open a Salesforce case as debug or loglevel files cant be shared in public forums.




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