Forums - snapdragon-821 4k video dec/enc hw examples

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snapdragon-821 4k video dec/enc hw examples
Join Date: 31 Jan 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2017-06-27 15:56
4K HEVC video (Decode: 60 fps,
10-bit. Encode: 30 fps)
Is there examples of ways for me to take advantage of the hardware decoders on my device?
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Join Date: 7 Feb 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-02-07 10:47

Greetings QDN user from 4.5 years ago!  Did you ever get this figured out?

I'm trying to do H.265/HEVC encode on a ModalAI VOXL which has a Snapdragon 821, and ModalAI says their encoders only do H.264 right now:

If the Snapdragon 821 has H.265 encode support, I'd consider trying to implement the glue logic myself.  But I'm just getting started down this path myself, trying to see what prior art already exists.

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