Forums - Calculator example computes on DSP failed, nErr = 44

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Calculator example computes on DSP failed, nErr = 44
Join Date: 8 Dec 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-12-21 01:03

I am trying the calculator example on HDK8250 using Hexagon SDK 3.5.4. 

I followed the step by step guide to building, loading and executing the calculator example on Android. Everything seems OK,  the example run on CPU passed while on DSP failed with no debug info except for `Error: compute on DSP failed`.

 Does anyone meet the same problem? I am pleased to disscus with you.

kona:/vendor/bin # ./calculator 1 1000
---Starting calculator test
---Allocate 4000 bytes from ION heap
---Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999
---Compute sum locally
---Sum = 499500
kona:/vendor/bin # ./calculator 0 1000
---Starting calculator test
---Allocate 4000 bytes from ION heap
---Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999
---Compute sum on the DSP
---Error: compute on DSP failed, nErr = 44
---Usage: ./calculator <1/0 run locally> <uint32 size>
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Join Date: 6 Dec 21
Posts: 12
Posted: Wed, 2022-01-05 19:50

Have you generate the testsig for the device ? if not, please follow the steps in sdk.


if yes, pleaes search key world"fastrpc" in logcat, let me know any error with dsp.




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Join Date: 19 Apr 23
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Posted: Sat, 2023-05-06 00:06
. Hexagon_SDK version 3.5.4, CPU Qualcomm 8155
Join Date: 19 Apr 23
Posts: 1
PostedFri, 2023-05-05 23:27
I have the same problem as you. Have you solved it
1. Hexagon_SDK version 3.5.4, CPU Qualcomm 8155
2. Compile calculator demo, make tree V=android_Release_aarch64 CDSP_FLAG=1, make tree V=hexagon_Release_dynamic_toolv83_v66 VERBOSE=1
push the compiled file to the android device for execution,
calculator  0 100
---Starting calculator test
---Allocate 400 bytes from ION heap
---Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 99
---Compute sum on the DSP
---Error: compute on DSP failed, nErr = 44
---Usage: calculator <1/0 run locally>
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:148::info: calling: AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = pthread_once(&rpcmem_once_control, (void*)rpcmem_init_once))
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:148::info: passed: AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = pthread_once(&rpcmem_once_control, (void*)rpcmem_init_once))
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:220::info: calling: NULL != (m = malloc(sizeof(*m)))
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:220::info: passed: NULL != (m = malloc(sizeof(*m)))
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:241::info: calling: !(rpc_flags & RPCMEM_HEAP_UNCACHED)
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:241::info: passed: !(rpc_flags & RPCMEM_HEAP_UNCACHED)
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:474:ION version is new
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:379::info: calling: 0 < rpcmem_ionfd
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:379::info: passed: 0 < rpcmem_ionfd
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:388:alloc data 0x0xb40000736982ab30, heap mask 0x2000000, flags 0x1
04-22 23:29:33.208  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:395:mmap data 0x0xb40000736982ab30
04-22 23:29:33.209  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:403::info: calling: MAP_FAILED != (m->paddr = (void *)mmap(NULL, alloc.len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, m->data.fd, 0))
04-22 23:29:33.209  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:403::info: passed: MAP_FAILED != (m->paddr = (void *)mmap(NULL, alloc.len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, m->data.fd, 0))
04-22 23:29:33.209  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:263:rpcmem register buf: heap mask: 0x2000000
04-22 23:29:33.219  5888  5888 I calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/rpcmem_android.c:158: rpcmem_init_internal: opened ION device fd 6, configured heap IDs: system (0x2000000), contig (0x10), secure (0x400), secure flags (0x80080000)
04-22 23:29:33.219  5888  5888 I calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2816: fastrpc_apps_user_init done
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 E calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2231: Error 0x0: open_device_node failed for domain ID 3, sess ID 0 (errno 2, No such file or directory)
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 E calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2461::Error: 200: dev >= 0
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 E calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2611: Error 0x200: apps_dev_init failed for domain 3, errno No such file or directory
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 E calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2707: Error 0x200: open_dev (-1) failed for domain 3 (errno No such file or directory)
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 E calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2231: Error 0x0: open_device_node failed for domain ID 3, sess ID 0 (errno 2, No such file or directory)
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 E calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1411::Error: 200: 0 <= (dev = open_device_node((int)domain))
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 W calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1458:Warning 0x200: remote_get_info failed to get attribute 257 for domain 3 (errno No such file or directory)
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 E calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1215: Error 0x200: remote_handle_open failed for calculator (errno No such file or directory)
04-22 23:29:33.220  5888  5888 E calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1085: Error 0x2c: remote_handle_invoke failed for handle 0xffffffff, method 0 on domain 3 (sc 0x20100) (errno No such file or directory)
04-22 23:29:33.221  5888  5888 I calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/rpcmem_android.c:191: rpcmem_deinit_internal: closed ION fd 6
04-22 23:29:33.221  5888  5888 I calculator: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2756: fastrpc_apps_user_deinit done
04-22 23:29:33.223  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:304::info: calling: mfree
04-22 23:29:33.223  5888  5888 D calculator: src/rpcmem_android.c:304::info: passed: mfree
I checked the source code to AEEStdErr.h file
44 Error codes are defined in the source file as follows:
AEE_EBADHANDLE          44     invalid handle
May I ask if error 44 or above means that my chip does not support dsp function?


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Join Date: 23 Apr 23
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2023-06-07 04:21

Have you resolved this program? 

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