Forums - Hexagon libraries for SD625

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Hexagon libraries for SD625
Join Date: 10 Mar 20
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2020-03-17 16:54

Hi everyone,

I'm developing a native application using tensorflow lite library and I want to use the Hexagon delegate but using the nnlibs and libhexagon_interface provided by tensorflow I got the following warning without the hexagon libraries being loaded.

WARNING: Failed to fetch Hexagon NN version. This might be because you're using incompatible versions of libhexagon_interface and libhexagon_nn_skel. You must use compatible versions. Refer to Tensorflow Lite Hexagon Delegate Guide.
INFO: Hexagon Delegate is not supported.

I know this might not be your domain but I'm trying to make sense of what is going on...

This is the hardware I have...

Processor       : AArch64 Processor rev 4 (aarch64)
Hardware        : Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8953

I alredy downloaded Hexagon SDK 3.5.1 and cloned the nnlib project from, I compiled libhexagon_nn_skel for SD835, SD845 and SD855 (v60, v65 and v66) but I cannot compile libhexagon_interface or generate the corresponding shared library, nor the libhexagon_nn_skel for SD625, I know this SoC has hexagon, but how can I generate the correct libraries to use it?


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Join Date: 24 Mar 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2020-03-25 00:01

You can't use your built libhexagon_nn_skel, you need to use the ones provided. See

for instructions and download link.

If you have issues, please file an issue



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Join Date: 10 Mar 20
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2020-03-26 07:28

Thanks for your response karimnosseir, but using the libraries provided by tensorflow I get the following warning:

WARNING: Failed to fetch Hexagon NN version. This might be because you're using incompatible versions of libhexagon_interface and libhexagon_nn_skel. You must use compatible versions. Refer to Tensorflow Lite Hexagon Delegate Guide.
INFO: Hexagon Delegate is not supported.

I have used the documentation you posted, and it doesn't mention the SD625 as one supported. I'll try to get help from tensorfow directly too.

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