Forums - Multithreading with FastCV Linux Embedded

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Multithreading with FastCV Linux Embedded
Join Date: 6 Jul 20
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2020-10-07 22:21


We are planning to deploy a multi-threaded computer vision application running on Qualcomm Kryo 460. FastCV library appears to be a very good option to increase the performance of some kernels in our application.

So we have the following questions:

  1. Are there any functional or performance issues with using FastCV in a multi-threaded application?
  2. Is FastCV implemented as a thread-safe library?

Thank you in advance.


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Join Date: 27 Jan 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2020-10-08 11:45

fastCV by design is single threaded implementation and so you can use it in a multi-threaded application as it is a thread-safe library. 

No functional issues expected, performance is based on processor cycles available at run time.

Please ensure you do the "FastCV initializations" and "FastCV de-initializations" steps only once in case all threads are in the same process. 


As a step 1 during session init, do FastCV initializations by calling fcvSetOperationMode with desired mode followed by fcvMemInit function call. 

Then as a step 2 allocate memory using fcvMemInit and Call fastCV functions of your choice till the end of the session in the application. 

Then as a step 3 at the end, during session tear down, do fcvMemFree the previously allocated buffers above and then perform FastCV de-initializations by calling fcvMemDeInit followed by fcvCleanUp functions. 



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