Forums - Affine trasformation

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Affine trasformation
Join Date: 16 Jul 18
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2020-09-06 23:15


Can anyboady give example for fcvTransformAffine8x8u8 and fcvWarpPerspectiveu8 fcvTransformAffineClippedu8_v3 or fcvTransformAffineu8_v2?

What format source image is exptected ? any test application form where i get to know how to incorporate this fastcv api's would be a grate help.

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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 2021-01-19 09:20
AffineTransform is used to rotate, translate and scale images/geometric objects.
I think, you can use fcvTransformAffineu8_v2 for rotation and scaling of grayscale 8-bit images.
Specify the coordinates (centre) of the patch within the image that needs to be transformed, patch width and height through 'position' 
Specify the affine tranform for rotation/scalling through 'affine'.
The result will be returned in 'patch'
For RGB images use : fcv3ChannelTransformAffineClippedBCu8
This functionality is similar to what openCV provides. Please see this related information:
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