Forums - Fastcv multiplication with scalar value

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Fastcv multiplication with scalar value
Join Date: 8 Jun 20
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2020-08-27 05:05

Hi, I am new to fastcv forum. I am trying to implement fastcv multiplication api from opencv. Below is my code. I am not getting the expected output from fastcv api. I don't know how to implement a fcv multiplication with scalar value 1.0 like opencv multiply. so please help me on my below queris;

1. How to implement fcv multiply like  this (cv::multiply(src, 1.0, bitBuffer, 1.0, CV_16U))

2. Anyhow for output of opencv and fcv multiply for 1st one is getting same result and size is also same. But for 2nd multiply for both which is mentioned below, i am not getting the same output.

Below is my code. Thanks in advance for any help.

OPENCV Multiplication:

Mat src = cv::imread("/storage/emulated/0/fastcvTesting/activesight.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

Mat bitBuffer = Mat(srcHeight, srcWidth, CV_16U); ////multiplication with scalar value 1.0 cv::multiply(src, 1.0, bitBuffer, 1.0CV_16U); src=bitBuffer; cv::imwrite("/storage/emulated/0/fastcvTesting/opencvmultiplywith1_0.jpg",bitBuffer); Mat squareBuffer= Mat(srcHeight, srcWidth, CV_32F); cv::multiply(src, src, squareBuffer); cv::imwrite("/storage/emulated/0/fastcvTesting/opencvmultiplywithsameinput.jpg",squareBuffer);


     Mat inputsrc = cv::imread("/storage/emulated/0/fastcvTesting/activesight.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
     const uint8_t* __restrict src=;
    /// multiplication with scalar value 1.0
     Mat bitBuffer= inputsrc * 1.0;
     bitBuffer.convertTo(bitBuffer, CV_16U);
     uint8_t *__restrict    bitBufferdata=;
     cv::imwrite("/storage/emulated/0/fastcvTesting/fcvmultiplywith1_0.jpg", bitBuffer);

   /////Multiplication of same input src
    uint8_t * __restrict  squareBufferdata= new uint8_t[srcWidth * srcHeight*4];
    fcvElementMultiplyu8(src, srcWidth*3, srcHeight, 0,src,0,1,FASTCV_CONVERT_POLICY_SATURATE,squareBufferdata,0 );
    Mat squareBuffer= Mat(srcHeight, srcWidth, CV_16U, squareBufferdata);
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jeff4s Moderator
Join Date: 4 Nov 12
Posts: 106
Posted: Thu, 2020-08-27 18:55


There could be saturation that causes the mismatch.

Recommend to use U16 type for the squared output, and the following API:




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Join Date: 8 Jun 20
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2020-09-01 03:29

Thanks jeff. after implimenting  "fcvElementMultiplyu8u16", i got the expected output. But i am not understanding how to implement "cv::multiply(src, 1.0, bitBuffer, 1.0, CV_16U)" by using fastcv.

Where bitBuffer: Mat bitBuffer = Mat(srcHeight, srcWidth, CV_16U);

Could you please help me here.

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