Forums - Android App of FastCV not build on linux and Windows 7

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Android App of FastCV not build on linux and Windows 7
Join Date: 14 Jul 16
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2016-07-20 04:20

Hi there,

UBUNTU 14.04

I want to build your fastcv sample app on ubutu 14.04.

I alreday installed all prerequisites for fastcv as per FastCV_Getting_Started_Guide.docx.

But when i build this then so many error like ndk_buikd not found, fastcv.h or stdlib.h not found etc.,then I give all path via eclipse and solved these type error.

Then it gives other errors like: "/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o(.debug_info): relocation 10 has invalid symbol index 13".But it was not solved.


After I moved to Windows 7, i installed all prerequisites for fastcv as per FastCV_Getting_Started_Guide.docx.

First step is to import project but error is "Resource'/SplashScreen' alredy exists"( on Both Platform).

Second step for build : I gave ndk_build path in environment variable in c\c++ build but compiler said "/ndk_build command not found".

In Eclipse->Window->preferences->Android->NDK->NDK Location, after giving path of NDK it said "Not a valid directory"

If anybody know, Please help me out.

Thanks in advance,


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