Forums - Some openCL header files missing

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Some openCL header files missing
Join Date: 8 Nov 21
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2021-11-10 11:39

I recently compiled the OpenCL-ICD-Loader (from the Khronos github, see bottom of post) using the generic Khronos headers (from the Khronos github, see bottom of post), however whenever I use said loader it gives a -1001 error code (CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR) leading me to the conclusion that said headers may just not support the Adreno 650 my device utilises. I have obtained the appropriate headers from the Adreno SDK v5.0 only to find some files missing that are needed for the loader:  cl_icd.h, cl_egl.h and cl_layer.h. It just doesn't compile without them, I have tried filling in the listed files with the generic Khronos headers but it just gives errors upon compilation of the ICD-Loader. 

Edit: I am aware of the in the /system/vendor/lib directory of Android.

Excuse me if I may sound noobish, I don't really do this sort of stuff regularly.



OpenCL-ICD-Loader I'm trying to compile:


Generic headers:

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Join Date: 8 Nov 21
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Posted: Thu, 2021-11-11 10:23

After doing some digging in the source code of both the generic headers and sdk headers, it seems that the sdk headers are allot older than the generic ones, as far as I can tell from the copy right (located at the top of the cl headers). This has led me to believe that the sdk headers and generic headers are far enough apart to be incompatible, along with a comparisson of source.

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Join Date: 8 Nov 21
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Posted: Fri, 2021-11-12 15:49
I managed to get the files to work with the generic headers, also found out that the problem wasn't with the headers at all. Although the -1001 error persists.
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