Forums - Adreno 630 glsl problem

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Adreno 630 glsl problem
Join Date: 8 Apr 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2018-10-08 04:46


I have noticed some strange behaviour on phones using Adreno 630 GPU.  It usually happens when multiplying some vector variable that contains color with a vec4 uniform i.e 


// _MidLightColor is a vec4 uniform

color_out.rgb *= _MidLightColor.rgb; // This results in a black color

color_out.rgb *= saturate(_MidLightColor.rgb); // This results in proper color


In this case I must absolutely set alpha value to 1, otherwise the result is again black.(No alpha blend is used)

//_TintColor and _BlendFactor are uniforms

// lumeColor is a varialbe

//  a_color0 is an attribute

vec4 tinted = lumaColor * _TintColor;

float blend = mix(1.0, _BlendFactor.x, a_color0.a);

v_color0 = mix(tinted, a_color0, blend);

v_color0.a = 1.0; // must be set to 1

On all other phones this code works correctly. Any clue whats going on ?


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