Forums - A6xTextureObject::UpdateMemObj crash on 630 - driver issue?

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A6xTextureObject::UpdateMemObj crash on 630 - driver issue?
Join Date: 3 Feb 15
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2018-09-19 03:17

Our GLES3 game released on GooglePlay is experiencing some specific crashes on a wide variety of devices that all happen to have an Adreno 630 gpu. Most of the crashes are on Android 8.0.0 with a few on Android 8.1.0 (and none on Android 9).
The crash is always reported with the callstack below.
I am suspecting this is a driver issue (given the game runs well on other adreno and non adreno gpus).
It always crashes dereferencing the address 0x00000028 so guessing some driver internal class has a field at offset 0x28 and some null ptr to such class is used to dereference that field?
Can someone with driver knowledge confirm/infirm the issue?Any help or comment would be most welcome.


A6xTextureObject::UpdateMemObj(A6xContext*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, EsxDimensionType, EsxFormat const*, _A6xRegTpTexMemObjDesc*, int, EsxSamplerDesc const*)

A6xTextureObject::UpdateTexRegs(A6xContext*, EsxSamplerDesc const*)
A6xContext::ValidateTexSamplersCommon(A6xProgram*, EsxBitField96*, int)
A6xContext::ValidateState(EsxDrawDescriptor const*)
A6xContext::HwValidateGfxState(EsxDrawDescriptor const*)
EsxContext::ValidateGfxState(EsxDrawDescriptor const*)
EsxContext::DrawElementsInstanced(EsxPrimType, unsigned int, EsxPixType, void const*, unsigned int, int)
EsxGlApiParamValidate::GlDrawElements(EsxDispatch*, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, void const*)
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