Forums - Adreno(TM)505 and Depth/stencil texture mode with GL ES 3.0

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Adreno(TM)505 and Depth/stencil texture mode with GL ES 3.0
Join Date: 28 Sep 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2018-01-28 22:03


I'm experiencing an error on Adreno(TM)505 when using Depth/stencil texture mode using GL ES 3.0 on Android 7.1.1 and  Adreno (TM) 530 on Android 7.0. I've observed the behaviour specifically on the both Mali and PVR chips,and none of them were found problems in such situation.

here is the description:

 About the code , I compared the offical demo with my algorithm,finding that the offical code used twice FBO on theDepth/stencil texture mode while i just use one FBO to render.The difference makes me a error. when the game scene moves,the second texture is what I want.A delay apperared  in the depth buffer by one FBO.

The specific version of the Adreno driver  causing error :

Vendor:     Qualcomm
Version:     OpenGL ES 3.2 [email protected] (GIT@123cc4685e6)

Vendor:     Qualcomm
Renderer:  Adreno (TM) 530
Version:     OpenGL ES 3.2 [email protected] (GIT@I3040c3198e)

Is this a known problem with the Adreno 505 or 530 series drivers? Or is there something required for using Depth/stencil texture mode in GL ES 3.0 that I'm missing?

waiting for every instruction.

thanks a lot.

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