Forums - Adreno error gl_draw_error_checks:614

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Adreno error gl_draw_error_checks:614
Join Date: 25 May 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2017-05-30 14:32

Galaxy S4 Android 5.0.1 with Adreno 320 Running OpenGL ES 3.0 [email protected]

I am running a simple application drawing one texture on simple geometry, as I zoom in I replace the geometry with more complex one, and show the same single texture. with the detailed geometries I get the following errors repeatedly until the application crashes on what looks like segmentation fault. The errors emmited repeatedly are:



W/Adreno-ES20(7254): <gl_draw_error_checks:614>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION


Occationally it complains on drawing instanced elements which I am sure I am not drawing at this point, the error is:



W/Adreno-ES20(7254): <core_glDrawElementsInstancedXXX:1014>: GL_INVALID_VALUE

After this point the drawing disappears.


I could not find any reference to "gl_draw_error_checks:614" and to "core_glDrawElementsInstancedXXX:1014"


Can anyone provide more information on what is the driver complaining about?

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