Forums - texture2D shader build error in msm8994

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texture2D shader build error in msm8994
Join Date: 22 May 16
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2016-08-09 22:34

Hi :

my shader code as follow: 

  "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require \n"
        "uniform samplerExternalOES SrcTexture;\n"
        "uniform vec2 UVOffset;\n"
        "uniform vec2 UVScale;\n"
        "uniform vec2 EyeBufferSize;\n"

        "   float ResultR = texture2D(SrcTexture,  UVOffset + UVScale * RUV).x;\n"
        "   float ResultG = texture2D(SrcTexture, UVOffset + UVScale * GUV).y;\n"
        "   float ResultB = texture2D(SrcTexture, UVOffset + UVScale * BUV).z;\n"
         "   float ResultA = texture2D(SrcTexture,  UVOffset + UVScale * UV).a;\n"

but it have compile problem. does it support texture2D in msm8994?
10-24 10:30:11.718   376   376 I Adreno  : ERROR: 0:167: 'texture2D' :   type is for Vulkan api only
10-24 10:30:11.718   376   376 I Adreno  : ERROR: 0:167: 'texture2D' : cannot construct this type
10-24 10:30:11.718   376   376 I Adreno  : ERROR: 0:167: 'constructor' : too many arguments
10-24 10:30:11.718   376   376 I Adreno  : ERROR: 0:167: 'x' :  field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side
10-24 10:30:11.718   376   376 I Adreno  : ERROR: 0:169: 'texture2D' :   type is for Vulkan api only
10-24 10:30:11.718   376   376 I Adreno  : ERROR: 0:169: 'texture2D' : cannot construct this type
10-24 10:30:11.718   376   376 I Adreno  : ERROR: 0:169: 'constructor' : too many arguments
10-24 10:30:11.718   376   376 I Adreno  : ERROR: 0:169: 'y' :  field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand

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